Day 5 (End Game)

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Day 5 (End Game)

Post by Narrator » Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:48 am

The first day of the Bon Festival has arrived! The day is again hot and dry, but the festival preparations go on, despite the tales of some sort of criminal gang robbing the warehouse holding the festival decorations.

It's reported that a ghost appeared in the abandoned gardens again at midnight last night, and the Moshi urge all residents to light paper lanterns to help placate the ancestors.

As the sun sets, a carnival begins in the night market and the Bon Festival begins in earnest.

The Bon Festival!

Day 5 is planned to be a wrap-up day with no events or die rolling. As we have had relatively few players there may not be a lot of loose ends to wrap-up, but feel free to post if you like. I hope you enjoyed the game!
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