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Shiba Tokaji
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Post by Shiba Tokaji » Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:06 pm

Does one need to allocate an entire slot to medidate to recover void or can it be part of a non-event thread?

I missed this
Void points and CFS

You may spend Void Points during an event for any of the normal uses: improving rolls, reducing damage, etc. However, you may not spend more than 1 Void Point per phase, and you may not regain Void Points during an event thread by any means (unless the event description specifically allows it)

Does this then nulify the abiity of the Shiba Bushi?

Can we attend an event even if we dont compete or should we just make a side thread. I want to show face at court, even though I will not compete.
Last edited by Shiba Tokaji on Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Shiba Tokaji
Phoenix Clan*Bushi*Glory 1.0, Status 1.0, Honour: What is Expected
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Post by Narrator » Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:27 pm

For meditation and tea ceremony:
* It can be part of a RP thread, but it must be in an appropriate location and the act of meditating (or tea ceremony) must be RP'd "on screen".
* Meditation/tea ceremony can only be attempted once per time slot, and you may not do both in the same time slot.
* It cannot be part of the sleep time slot.
* It cannot be part of an event time slot.

Hope that answers your questions!
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Post by Shiba Tokaji » Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:35 pm

You were too quik :lol:

I addd some questions.

And I'll add this question to that now as well.

I did not post in a challenge because I was waiting for the GM to answer my other FAQ questions. During this wait, another player "finished" an event. According to the rules I cannot compete in it anymore. Is there a remedy to this?

I must say this was one of my concerns when I enrolled, but didn't forsee it happening so early :lol:
Shiba Tokaji
Phoenix Clan*Bushi*Glory 1.0, Status 1.0, Honour: What is Expected
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Post by Narrator » Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:12 am

Shiba Tokaji wrote:
Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:06 pm
You may spend Void Points during an event for any of the normal uses: improving rolls, reducing damage, etc. However, you may not spend more than 1 Void Point per phase, and you may not regain Void Points during an event thread by any means (unless the event description specifically allows it)

Does this then nulify the abiity of the Shiba Bushi?
This rule is meant to prevent using void on two different rolls in the same phase, or to use void to both add to a roll and reduce damage in the same phase. It's not intended to nullify the Shiba Bushi technique or other techniques. So you can still use 2 void for +2k2 on (no more than) one roll per phase; doing so will prevent you from using void for any other purpose during that phase.
Can we attend an event even if we dont compete or should we just make a side thread. I want to show face at court, even though I will not compete.
If you aren't rolling for the event, go ahead and make a side thread. You can be present in court, but if not participating in the event, you wouldn't be among those working towards making new allies.
Shiba Tokaji wrote:
Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:35 pm
I did not post in a challenge because I was waiting for the GM to answer my other FAQ questions. During this wait, another player "finished" an event. According to the rules I cannot compete in it anymore. Is there a remedy to this?
You can still compete in the event if you wish; you just can't join his instance of the event. You may start a new instance of the event (in the same location and time slot), if you can pass the Challenge requirement. You won't benefit from cooperating with the other player, though, and it would count as your one event for the day. Essentially you'd be interacting with courtiers in a separate corner of the court.
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Post by Shiba Tokaji » Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:53 pm

EDIT: On second thought, I think I am going to shamefully display, by withdrawing from the game. I play L5R pbp because I want a large group to PvP with. I thought this would be okay, but I am just not getting that.

Sorry for being a below par player. I hope to see you two in the next L5R game though.

q1: When can we spend Exp?

q2: If I missed an event can I still compete or just accept that I took too long?
Shiba Tokaji
Phoenix Clan*Bushi*Glory 1.0, Status 1.0, Honour: What is Expected
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Post by Narrator » Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:34 pm

No problem, Tokaji. I would've liked more players too; having more players definitely allows for more interactions as they RP with each other. Until next time.
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