Time Slots and Sessions

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Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:36 pm

Time Slots and Sessions

Post by Narrator » Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:51 am

Each game day has the following time slots:
  • Morning
  • Afternoon
  • Evening
  • Night
During each time slot, you may participate in only one in-character thread (whether an event thread or a role-play thread). Please indicate the time slot in the subject line of any in-character thread that you start; or for an event thread, you may indicate the name of the event. Threads that do not indicate the time slot or event that they belong to are subject to the whims of the moderator(s).

Due to limited locations and limited time slots, there is no restriction on how many threads may be posted in a single location in each time slot. However, we encourage you to join threads that have other players in them.

You must use one time slot per game day for sleeping, or you will be considered Fatigued and may not regain Void Points or Spell slots for the next game day.

Regardless of time slots, you may only participate in one event per game day.

The entire game will be considered a single game session. Per session abilities such as Lucky and Unlucky will not recharge during the game.