Advantages and Disadvantages
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:01 am
Extra Equipment [Material] (3 points)
You have been given extra equipment by your lord. Choose one weapon, one suit of armor, or a horse, and add the chosen equipment to your starting package. You may choose to swap out a similar item for the new equipment if you wish (by exchanging light armor for heavy armor, for instance).
(Credit to Mason)
Favored of your Lord [Social] (2 Points)
Due to some great service you have performed on behalf of your Lord, he has placed you under his auspices of protection. You may not purchase this advantage unless you possess an Integrity rank of 5 or higher. So long as your Integrity does not drop below 5.0 no one of Integrity 4 or hgher who is a member of your faction may attack you unless you attack them first. Their own loyalty to your shared lord makes it impossible for them to strike. Members of other factions are not so restrained however and may attack as they please, though their actions may have consequences for attacking a member of such high regard in another faction.
Qadi's Hound [Social] (3 Points)
Your part-time membership in the city guard has put you in a special group that is willing to look the other way for minor weapon violations. You may carry any weapon on your person within the city. However, as a part time member of the city guard you must devote two days out of the week towards City Guard duties. If you do not put in the mandatory two days a week you lose access to this advantage.
Servant of the Smokeless Flame [Spiritual] (4 Points)
You have the ability to summon Jinn, powerful magical beings, in order to bargain with them for services. The rules for Jinn summoning may be found in the LBS book, Page 291.
Gorilla Bodyguard [Material] (5 Points, Dahabi Only)
You have a Trained Gorilla to serve as your bodyguard. Your gorilla goes on your initiative and in the event of a skirmish will proceed to attack the nearest threat until it is no longer a threat, and will then move on to the next threat. To give your gorilla a command, you must make an Animal Handling/Awareness roll TN 20. Should your bodyguard ever die, you will have to re-buy this advantage. The following are the stats for a Gorilla:
Air 1
-Reflexes 2
Earth 3
- Stamina 4
Fire 2
- Agility 4
Water 2
- Strength 5
Attack: Smash: 5k4 (Complex) Bite: 4k4 (Complex)
Damage: Smash: 5k2 Bite: 3k3
ArmorTN: 15
Reduction: 5
Wounds: 20: +5; 40: +10; 60: Dead
Fear 1
Paragon of Faith [Spiritual] (8 Points, Senpet Only)
Your devotion to the Ten Thousand Gods is unshakable. Even in the darkest times, you believe the world develops according to the plan of the Ten Thousand. It is simply your duty to follow their designs. You gain a free Void Point every day that can only be used for Senpet School Techniques.
Blood of the Hanif [Physical] (2 Points, Yodotai Only)
You are descended from the original Yodotai Empire, and your ancestors once called Octavion home. Others give you a small measure of respect for your prestige and listen to your words with attention. You gain a +1k1 bonus when using a Social Skill on other Yodotai. You may not take the Despicable Disadvantage.
Cosmopolitan [Mental] (5 Points, Yodotai Only)
The Yodotai Empire encompasses many different cultures from different lands. Though the Yodotai compel each conquered land to mesh with the rest of their nation, many citizens still retain their former cultural identity. You are skilled at adapting to these quirks and making people feel comfortable with your presence. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Social Skill rolls.
Soul of Warriors [Spiritual] (10 Points, Yodotai Only)
You are considered a true Yodotai hero by your peers but more importantly by your ancestors. The ancestor spirits are drawn to you, and they make sure you never fight alone. Whenever you are in combat, you have a guardian spirit fighting by your side. The Spirit Soldier has all Rings at 2, with an Agility of 3. The Spirit Soldier has the Swordsmanship, Defense, and Brawling Skills, all at 3, and 3 ranks of Magic Resistance which affects all types of Magic. You may increase your Spirit Soldier's Traits or Skills by spending additional experience points to do so, just as if you were increasing your own Traits or Skills. The Spirit Soldier is equipped with a Gladius, a Scutum, and Lorica Segmentata.
This Spirit Soldier will appear at the onset of any combat and will act on your initiative. The Spirit's primary goal will be the elimination of any hostile threats, though if you appear to be in imminent threat of death, it will move to protect you, and if you are too at the Down wound level or below, it will attempt to remove you from combat. If the Spirit Soldier is slain, it will dissipate, but will reappear at the onset of the next combat you are in. In the event of your death, the Spirit Soldier will immediately dissipate and leave the battle.
Qadi's Dog [Social] (1 Points)
Your part-time membership in the city guard has put you in a special group that is willing to look the other way for minor weapon violations, however your duties as a City Guard are well known enough that people will expect you to complete the duties of a City Guard, even when you are off duty. As such, if you are caught in any situation where you would gain Infamy, you gain .1 more than you otherwise would. You may carry any weapon on your person within the city. However, as a part time member of the city guard you must devote two days out of the week towards City Guard duties. If you do not put in the mandatory two days a week you lose the ability to carry weapons, but the Infamy increases will still apply.
Curse of the Grey Crone [Physical/Spiritual] (3 Points, Male only, Assassin only, Subject to GM Approval)
The Grey Woman's curse on Prince Hassan is still carried through your Bloodline, and you manifest it physically. Common examples are being covered in birthmarks, having a strange growth, muscles which are unnaturally twisted, cleft palates, and other facial deformities. The deformity may also be internal, being wracked with pain or constant spasms.
Choose one Trait. That Trait is permanently lowered to 1 and may not be raised through the expenditure of experience points. Furthermore, due to the nature of the disadvantage, only abilities which can target both Physical and Spiritual disadvantages may affect this disadvantage. However, while heroic sons of the Old Man were few and far between, some do rise above their curse. The amount of Insight you require to attain Insight Rank 2 is reduced by 5, and each subsequent Insight Rank is equally reduced.
Defiler of the Dead [Mental] (2 Points, Senpet Only)
Senpet priests are supposed to revere the Ten Thousand and use human sacrifices only for the gods. You do not believe in such idiocy. You create ghuls for your own purposes, whether to build your own army or benefit your research. If any other Senpet found out you were disgracing the priesthood like this, they would destroy your creations and probably execute you.
You gain a Free Raise on all spells that target or create a ghul. However, you suffer a +5 TN penalty to all Social Skill Rolls that involve another Senpet.
Forlorn [Mental] (4 or 6 Points, Senpet Only)
Once, you believed wholeheartedly in both Empire and Religion, but something changed that. When you take this disadvantage, choose whether it relates to the State (4 points), or Religion (6 points). Whenever you attempt to use a Skill or Technique that references that source, you suffer a +10 TN penalty to the roll. Additionally, if you choose Religion, you may not spend Void Points for Techniques that require faith. This restriction applies to all Senpet School Classes.
Despicable [Social] (5 Points, Yodotai Only)
Perhaps you do not believe in the Yodotai gods, perhaps you are not a true Yodotai warrior. There are many reasons why, but you do not attract the attention of the Yodotai Ancestors. They do not come to your aid, and any Yodotai in your presence feel uneasy and restless. You may not purchase the Magic Resistance advantage so long as you have this Disadvantage. Additionally, you suffer a -2k0 Penalty (minimum 1k1) to all Social Skill Rolls involving other Yodotai, as they dislike all those who are not blessed by their gods. You may not purchase Soul of Warriors.
Rebellious [Social] (7 Points, Yodotai Only)
Though it is against everything the Yodotai Empire stands for, you refuse to reject the old religion and gods that your country worshipped before the Yodotai conquered your land. Perhaps you were already an adult when they destroyed your nation, or a family member kept up the secret worship for you to inherit. If this fact is ever revealed, the Yodotai Empire will do its very best to kill you.
Sacred Weapons
-Medinaat al-Salaam
Damascus Steel (5)- Not a specific weapon, but can be used to make any bladed weapon. Grants the ability to spend a Void point to gain a +1k1 bonus on damage rolls with that weapon and makes it unbreakable.
Dhul Fiqar Knife (6)- 2k2 knife. Grants a free raise on all attempts to conceal it and grants a +3 bonus to your ArmorTN.
Shimmering Steel (4 pts)- 2k1 Knife. Grants a +3 bonus to Perform or Intimidate checks if bared and used as part of the presentation.
Spear of Thousand (4)- 2k2 Javelin, 1k3 if thrown. Can be thrown accurately up to up to 100’.
Hispanian Gladius (5)- 3k2 gladius. +3 to Damage rolls while an ally is within 30’.
Shadow Blade (4)- 2k1 knife. The wielder gains a Free raise on turning anyone killed by this knife into a Ghul.
Sword of the Righteous (5)- 4k2 longsword. Once per day you may reduce any Integrity loss you may suffer to .1 if that action was not against The Code.
Blood of Osano-Wo
This has been renamed Blood of the Sands.
Fortunes Blessings and Curses
This advantage works exactly the same way, with a simple name change.
1. Benten- Nima the Poet
2. Bishamon- Bahadur the Champion
3. Daikoku- Yanad the Trader
4. Ebisu- Akbar the Irrigator -This advantage gives a bonus to citizens of the Burning Sands that are not members of a faction.
5. Fukurokujin- Qadir the Qabalist
6. Hotei- Fatimah the Ascetic
7. Jurojin- Hanam the Architect
Blessing and Curses of the Realms
The Burning Sands has knowledge and dealings with most of the current Spirit Realms, the exceptions to this is the Realm of Thwarted Destiny, which is not known of in the Burning Sands, and the Realm of Jinn, which is not known of outside of the Burning Sands. Advantages work as normal.
1. Realm of animals
2. Realm of the hungry dead
3. Realm of Evil
4. Realm of the Jinn
5. Realm of Waiting
6. Realm of Mischief
7. Celestial Heavens
8. Realm of Slaughter
9. Realm of Blessed Ancestors
10. Realm of Dreams
Blessing of the Jinn- See Fitfully Sleeping Blood, Legend of the Burning Sands Main Book, 3rd Edition. Casting a spell as a Jinn does means that you may cast the spell granted by this advantage a number of times equal to the ring the spell is related to.
Curse of the Jinn- The TN for any roll you have in dealing with Jinn is increased by 5.
One Store- 8 points
Large Store- 15 points
Unique Holding (Mine, Horse Breeder, etc)- 18 points
Small Caravan, Tribe, or Caravanserai- 20 points
Large Caravan, Tribe, or Caravanserai- 25 points
Small City-State- 30 points
At the end of every in game week you get to make a Commerce/Intelligence roll, TN 15. Success means you gain 1 Copper. You gain 1 additional Copper for each raise you call on this roll. The total Copper gained by this roll is then multiplied by your Gentry level. For example, with One Store it is multiplied by one.
Forbidden Lore: Khadi
You are intimately familiar with the ways of the Khadi, their strengths and their weaknesses. You gain one rank of the Lore: Khadi skill. In addition, you gain a +1k1 bonus to any investigation roll to locate a Khadi's hidden heart.
Magic Resistance
You may only pick up Magic Resistance: Sahir.
The exception to this ruling is the Yodotai, who can pick up whatever Magic Resistance they want and can also buy this advantage after character creation.
Blessed or Cursed by the Realm of Thwarted Destiny
Chosen by the Oracles
Dark Paragon
Forbidden Knowledge: Gaijin Pepper
Forbidden Knowledge: Gozoku
Gaijin Gear
Higher Purpose
Cast Out
Elemental Imbalance
Forced Retirement
Gaijin Name
Social Disadvantage
Wrath of the Kami
Faction Specific Discounts
Servant: Merchant (2 less)
Blessing of Yanad the Trader
Qadi's Hound
Precise Memory
Servant: Scribe (2 less)
Blessing of Qadir
Spy Network (6)
Blessing of the Realm of Jinn
Dangerous Beauty
Servant: Spy (2 less)
Blessing of Nima
Spy Network (7)
Blood of the Sands (Blood of Osano-Wo)
Servant: Performer (2 less)
Blessing of Fatimah
Precise Memory
Way of the Land
Different School (Yodotai)
Heart of Vengeance
Servant: Craftsman (2 less)
Blessing of Bahadur
Different School (Senpet)
Blessing of Bahadur
Magic Resistance
Servant: Guard (2 less)
Qadi's Hound
Servant: Torturer (2 less)
Blessing of Hanam
Servant: Attendant (2 less)
Blessing of Akbar
Qadi's Hound
Heart of Vengeance
Servant: Artisan
Qadi's Dog
Touch of the Void
Qadi's Dog
Dark Secret
Qadi's Dog
Extra Equipment [Material] (3 points)
You have been given extra equipment by your lord. Choose one weapon, one suit of armor, or a horse, and add the chosen equipment to your starting package. You may choose to swap out a similar item for the new equipment if you wish (by exchanging light armor for heavy armor, for instance).
(Credit to Mason)
Favored of your Lord [Social] (2 Points)
Due to some great service you have performed on behalf of your Lord, he has placed you under his auspices of protection. You may not purchase this advantage unless you possess an Integrity rank of 5 or higher. So long as your Integrity does not drop below 5.0 no one of Integrity 4 or hgher who is a member of your faction may attack you unless you attack them first. Their own loyalty to your shared lord makes it impossible for them to strike. Members of other factions are not so restrained however and may attack as they please, though their actions may have consequences for attacking a member of such high regard in another faction.
Qadi's Hound [Social] (3 Points)
Your part-time membership in the city guard has put you in a special group that is willing to look the other way for minor weapon violations. You may carry any weapon on your person within the city. However, as a part time member of the city guard you must devote two days out of the week towards City Guard duties. If you do not put in the mandatory two days a week you lose access to this advantage.
Servant of the Smokeless Flame [Spiritual] (4 Points)
You have the ability to summon Jinn, powerful magical beings, in order to bargain with them for services. The rules for Jinn summoning may be found in the LBS book, Page 291.
Gorilla Bodyguard [Material] (5 Points, Dahabi Only)
You have a Trained Gorilla to serve as your bodyguard. Your gorilla goes on your initiative and in the event of a skirmish will proceed to attack the nearest threat until it is no longer a threat, and will then move on to the next threat. To give your gorilla a command, you must make an Animal Handling/Awareness roll TN 20. Should your bodyguard ever die, you will have to re-buy this advantage. The following are the stats for a Gorilla:
Air 1
-Reflexes 2
Earth 3
- Stamina 4
Fire 2
- Agility 4
Water 2
- Strength 5
Attack: Smash: 5k4 (Complex) Bite: 4k4 (Complex)
Damage: Smash: 5k2 Bite: 3k3
ArmorTN: 15
Reduction: 5
Wounds: 20: +5; 40: +10; 60: Dead
Fear 1
Paragon of Faith [Spiritual] (8 Points, Senpet Only)
Your devotion to the Ten Thousand Gods is unshakable. Even in the darkest times, you believe the world develops according to the plan of the Ten Thousand. It is simply your duty to follow their designs. You gain a free Void Point every day that can only be used for Senpet School Techniques.
Blood of the Hanif [Physical] (2 Points, Yodotai Only)
You are descended from the original Yodotai Empire, and your ancestors once called Octavion home. Others give you a small measure of respect for your prestige and listen to your words with attention. You gain a +1k1 bonus when using a Social Skill on other Yodotai. You may not take the Despicable Disadvantage.
Cosmopolitan [Mental] (5 Points, Yodotai Only)
The Yodotai Empire encompasses many different cultures from different lands. Though the Yodotai compel each conquered land to mesh with the rest of their nation, many citizens still retain their former cultural identity. You are skilled at adapting to these quirks and making people feel comfortable with your presence. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Social Skill rolls.
Soul of Warriors [Spiritual] (10 Points, Yodotai Only)
You are considered a true Yodotai hero by your peers but more importantly by your ancestors. The ancestor spirits are drawn to you, and they make sure you never fight alone. Whenever you are in combat, you have a guardian spirit fighting by your side. The Spirit Soldier has all Rings at 2, with an Agility of 3. The Spirit Soldier has the Swordsmanship, Defense, and Brawling Skills, all at 3, and 3 ranks of Magic Resistance which affects all types of Magic. You may increase your Spirit Soldier's Traits or Skills by spending additional experience points to do so, just as if you were increasing your own Traits or Skills. The Spirit Soldier is equipped with a Gladius, a Scutum, and Lorica Segmentata.
This Spirit Soldier will appear at the onset of any combat and will act on your initiative. The Spirit's primary goal will be the elimination of any hostile threats, though if you appear to be in imminent threat of death, it will move to protect you, and if you are too at the Down wound level or below, it will attempt to remove you from combat. If the Spirit Soldier is slain, it will dissipate, but will reappear at the onset of the next combat you are in. In the event of your death, the Spirit Soldier will immediately dissipate and leave the battle.
Qadi's Dog [Social] (1 Points)
Your part-time membership in the city guard has put you in a special group that is willing to look the other way for minor weapon violations, however your duties as a City Guard are well known enough that people will expect you to complete the duties of a City Guard, even when you are off duty. As such, if you are caught in any situation where you would gain Infamy, you gain .1 more than you otherwise would. You may carry any weapon on your person within the city. However, as a part time member of the city guard you must devote two days out of the week towards City Guard duties. If you do not put in the mandatory two days a week you lose the ability to carry weapons, but the Infamy increases will still apply.
Curse of the Grey Crone [Physical/Spiritual] (3 Points, Male only, Assassin only, Subject to GM Approval)
The Grey Woman's curse on Prince Hassan is still carried through your Bloodline, and you manifest it physically. Common examples are being covered in birthmarks, having a strange growth, muscles which are unnaturally twisted, cleft palates, and other facial deformities. The deformity may also be internal, being wracked with pain or constant spasms.
Choose one Trait. That Trait is permanently lowered to 1 and may not be raised through the expenditure of experience points. Furthermore, due to the nature of the disadvantage, only abilities which can target both Physical and Spiritual disadvantages may affect this disadvantage. However, while heroic sons of the Old Man were few and far between, some do rise above their curse. The amount of Insight you require to attain Insight Rank 2 is reduced by 5, and each subsequent Insight Rank is equally reduced.
Defiler of the Dead [Mental] (2 Points, Senpet Only)
Senpet priests are supposed to revere the Ten Thousand and use human sacrifices only for the gods. You do not believe in such idiocy. You create ghuls for your own purposes, whether to build your own army or benefit your research. If any other Senpet found out you were disgracing the priesthood like this, they would destroy your creations and probably execute you.
You gain a Free Raise on all spells that target or create a ghul. However, you suffer a +5 TN penalty to all Social Skill Rolls that involve another Senpet.
Forlorn [Mental] (4 or 6 Points, Senpet Only)
Once, you believed wholeheartedly in both Empire and Religion, but something changed that. When you take this disadvantage, choose whether it relates to the State (4 points), or Religion (6 points). Whenever you attempt to use a Skill or Technique that references that source, you suffer a +10 TN penalty to the roll. Additionally, if you choose Religion, you may not spend Void Points for Techniques that require faith. This restriction applies to all Senpet School Classes.
Despicable [Social] (5 Points, Yodotai Only)
Perhaps you do not believe in the Yodotai gods, perhaps you are not a true Yodotai warrior. There are many reasons why, but you do not attract the attention of the Yodotai Ancestors. They do not come to your aid, and any Yodotai in your presence feel uneasy and restless. You may not purchase the Magic Resistance advantage so long as you have this Disadvantage. Additionally, you suffer a -2k0 Penalty (minimum 1k1) to all Social Skill Rolls involving other Yodotai, as they dislike all those who are not blessed by their gods. You may not purchase Soul of Warriors.
Rebellious [Social] (7 Points, Yodotai Only)
Though it is against everything the Yodotai Empire stands for, you refuse to reject the old religion and gods that your country worshipped before the Yodotai conquered your land. Perhaps you were already an adult when they destroyed your nation, or a family member kept up the secret worship for you to inherit. If this fact is ever revealed, the Yodotai Empire will do its very best to kill you.
Sacred Weapons
-Medinaat al-Salaam
Damascus Steel (5)- Not a specific weapon, but can be used to make any bladed weapon. Grants the ability to spend a Void point to gain a +1k1 bonus on damage rolls with that weapon and makes it unbreakable.
Dhul Fiqar Knife (6)- 2k2 knife. Grants a free raise on all attempts to conceal it and grants a +3 bonus to your ArmorTN.
Shimmering Steel (4 pts)- 2k1 Knife. Grants a +3 bonus to Perform or Intimidate checks if bared and used as part of the presentation.
Spear of Thousand (4)- 2k2 Javelin, 1k3 if thrown. Can be thrown accurately up to up to 100’.
Hispanian Gladius (5)- 3k2 gladius. +3 to Damage rolls while an ally is within 30’.
Shadow Blade (4)- 2k1 knife. The wielder gains a Free raise on turning anyone killed by this knife into a Ghul.
Sword of the Righteous (5)- 4k2 longsword. Once per day you may reduce any Integrity loss you may suffer to .1 if that action was not against The Code.
Blood of Osano-Wo
This has been renamed Blood of the Sands.
Fortunes Blessings and Curses
This advantage works exactly the same way, with a simple name change.
1. Benten- Nima the Poet
2. Bishamon- Bahadur the Champion
3. Daikoku- Yanad the Trader
4. Ebisu- Akbar the Irrigator -This advantage gives a bonus to citizens of the Burning Sands that are not members of a faction.
5. Fukurokujin- Qadir the Qabalist
6. Hotei- Fatimah the Ascetic
7. Jurojin- Hanam the Architect
Blessing and Curses of the Realms
The Burning Sands has knowledge and dealings with most of the current Spirit Realms, the exceptions to this is the Realm of Thwarted Destiny, which is not known of in the Burning Sands, and the Realm of Jinn, which is not known of outside of the Burning Sands. Advantages work as normal.
1. Realm of animals
2. Realm of the hungry dead
3. Realm of Evil
4. Realm of the Jinn
5. Realm of Waiting
6. Realm of Mischief
7. Celestial Heavens
8. Realm of Slaughter
9. Realm of Blessed Ancestors
10. Realm of Dreams
Blessing of the Jinn- See Fitfully Sleeping Blood, Legend of the Burning Sands Main Book, 3rd Edition. Casting a spell as a Jinn does means that you may cast the spell granted by this advantage a number of times equal to the ring the spell is related to.
Curse of the Jinn- The TN for any roll you have in dealing with Jinn is increased by 5.
One Store- 8 points
Large Store- 15 points
Unique Holding (Mine, Horse Breeder, etc)- 18 points
Small Caravan, Tribe, or Caravanserai- 20 points
Large Caravan, Tribe, or Caravanserai- 25 points
Small City-State- 30 points
At the end of every in game week you get to make a Commerce/Intelligence roll, TN 15. Success means you gain 1 Copper. You gain 1 additional Copper for each raise you call on this roll. The total Copper gained by this roll is then multiplied by your Gentry level. For example, with One Store it is multiplied by one.
Forbidden Lore: Khadi
You are intimately familiar with the ways of the Khadi, their strengths and their weaknesses. You gain one rank of the Lore: Khadi skill. In addition, you gain a +1k1 bonus to any investigation roll to locate a Khadi's hidden heart.
Magic Resistance
You may only pick up Magic Resistance: Sahir.
The exception to this ruling is the Yodotai, who can pick up whatever Magic Resistance they want and can also buy this advantage after character creation.
Blessed or Cursed by the Realm of Thwarted Destiny
Chosen by the Oracles
Dark Paragon
Forbidden Knowledge: Gaijin Pepper
Forbidden Knowledge: Gozoku
Gaijin Gear
Higher Purpose
Cast Out
Elemental Imbalance
Forced Retirement
Gaijin Name
Social Disadvantage
Wrath of the Kami
Faction Specific Discounts
Servant: Merchant (2 less)
Blessing of Yanad the Trader
Qadi's Hound
Precise Memory
Servant: Scribe (2 less)
Blessing of Qadir
Spy Network (6)
Blessing of the Realm of Jinn
Dangerous Beauty
Servant: Spy (2 less)
Blessing of Nima
Spy Network (7)
Blood of the Sands (Blood of Osano-Wo)
Servant: Performer (2 less)
Blessing of Fatimah
Precise Memory
Way of the Land
Different School (Yodotai)
Heart of Vengeance
Servant: Craftsman (2 less)
Blessing of Bahadur
Different School (Senpet)
Blessing of Bahadur
Magic Resistance
Servant: Guard (2 less)
Qadi's Hound
Servant: Torturer (2 less)
Blessing of Hanam
Servant: Attendant (2 less)
Blessing of Akbar
Qadi's Hound
Heart of Vengeance
Servant: Artisan
Qadi's Dog
Touch of the Void
Qadi's Dog
Dark Secret
Qadi's Dog