Thanks for stopping in!
What the con is:
This is a forum based roleplaying 'convention' with games set in a particular system (Legend of the Five Rings/Legend of the Burning Sands), clustering around the theme of the Bon Festival. The convention runs from October 6-20, 2018.
What kind of games are available?:
The idea is something like an offline game convention with one-shot games that won't take as long as the usual 1-2 months that Play-by-Post (PbP) games usually run. The Game Descriptions and Recruitment forum will contain brief information about games. Each game will have a separate section of the forum to run in, which will have more information.
When can I register?
Registration will be open for GMs on September 15.
Registration will be open for non-GMs on September 22.
How can I submit a game?
You can use the Google form here
Or email me the information requested there:
A passal of possible GM questions:
How many players per game? Up to the GM.
Which books are legal? Same.
What's the official place to roll dice? Well...everyone uses Orokos, but feel free to rebel (no forum integrated dice roller though...that's beyond my current technical prowess).
Want to set up with pre-generated characters or run a published game module? Sure. As long as you're running in the L5R World (so things like LBS and Second City are fine); have some connection to the Bon Festival Theme; and keep the time limit in mind, you're probably fine.
Unless otherwise requested, your game section will be publicly viewable. I'd prefer that you not request privacy unless there's a solid reason, like using an organized play module. Yes, I can still tuck private character forums into a public section.
I have more questions!
OK. Feel free to use the above email.
Or, if you're a previous player of a Hollow Throne game, you can PM me on any of those forums, and I should receive a notification
Or add your question to this thread if you played in that game.
Welcome to PopUp Con
Welcome to PopUp Con
Convention Manager * GM * Slightly Sleep-Deprived
"There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place." --J.K. Rowling
"There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place." --J.K. Rowling