Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 3:34 pm

As the only major holding the Ki-Rin province of the Asako's ancestral lands, Shiro Gisu is important mainly for its proximity to important spiritual sites. It sits north of the Shrine of the Ki-Rin and south of Seido Jurojin. With a fine view of Firebird Falls descending into Lake Sazanami and amazingly beautiful mountainous terrain all around, it is also a prime destination for those who simply wish to appreciate the spectacular natural setting.
The original castle, having been abandoned during the Great Blight, is no more. By the time the Empire had attention to spare for historic buildings, the castle had fallen into unsalvageable disrepair, though the stone foundations were solid.
In the mid to late 2800's, the Phoenix, flush with the funds garnered as co-developers of the Navcom that allowed the Empire to begin conquering the stars, begins to restore some of the relics of their ancient glory as well, lest they forget who they are as they journey far from home. Shiro Gisu was one of the early restorations projects, since the natural beauty attracted many visitors.
By 2900, many prominent Asako families began moving the shrines and remains of honored ancestors to the castle's graveyard, as their own ancestral holdings fell into disuse. Thus, the Bon Festival sees the year's largest influx of visitors to the castle.
What was once a defensive castle, has been redesigned to be much more open and welcoming, with open-air verandas on every floor that allow guests to enjoy the magnificent views. Like most reconstructions on Rokugan, the castle is a well-designed building featuring modern amenities like heat, electricity, and running water, while cloaking all of it in natural materials. Metal and wires lie beneath bamboo and fine woods. For those seeking a visit that recalls their ancestors' lives, servants will disable modern amenities to a room or suite and allow their guests to enjoy evenings spent with lanterns, candlelight, and trips to the 'privy'.