You've learned that Hitaro the ronin fled the battle for Tani Senshio and has retired to become a hermit in the mountains. Perhaps you decide to find him, and confront him.
You may automatically join this event if you found clues to Hitaro's fate "Favor for Fuyumi" or other Investigations on Day 2.
If so, you may also choose to invite other players to join this event (in the same instance) if you wish; invitees may also automatically join.
Otherwise you cannot join.
If you have the Hostage disadvantage, you must additionally pass an AGI/Stealth (Sneaking) TN20 to elude your guard (incurring honor loss for Use of a Low Skill), or an AWA/Sincerity TN20 to persuade them to let you go.
You know that Hitaro is living somewhere in the mountains, but the mountains are a big place. You may try to find Hitaro's hut by one of the following ways:
- Look for tracks. PER/Hunting (Tracking) TN15. You gain 1 FR if you have Absolute Direction. You gain another 1 FR if you Know the Terrain. If you noticed the footpath during the "Hawks and Falcons" event, you gain another 1 FR.
- Search the mountain slopes. There is a lot of area to cover, so this requires PER/Investigation (Search) TN20. You gain 1 FR if you have Absolute Direction. You gain another 1 FR if you Know the Terrain. If you noticed the footpath during the "Hawks and Falcons" event, you gain another 1 FR.
- Ask the kami for directions. A successful Commune: Earth, or Commune: any other element with 1 raise, will give you directions to Hitaro's hut.
- You already know where he lives. If you succeeded at "Favor for Fuyumi" with 2 raises, you may automatically succeed at this focus attempt.
You find Hitaro's hut, and after confronting him, he admits that he has been hiding in shame for having dishonorably fled the battle. Having abandoned his duty to defend the Moshi family, he does not feel that he can face Fuyumi again. You can choose one of the following:
1. Convince him to return to Fuyumi, who loves him. Roll AWA/Courtier (Manipulation), AWA/Sincerity (Honesty), AWA/Perform: Oratory, or WIL/Intimidation (Bullying) TN15.
2. Convince him to commit seppuku to atone for his dishonor. Roll AWA/Courtier (Manipulation), AWA/Sincerity (Honesty), WIL/Intimidation (Bullying) or INT/Lore: Bushido TN15.
3. Do nothing. Let Hitaro continue living in solitude and give Fuyumi a polite lie as to what became of him.
You gain 1 FR for each other player who passed a focus attempt different than your own.
If you did not pass your focus attempt, you arrive very late in the day after a difficult search, and must call 1 raise for no effect.
Remember that you cannot call raises or use FRs on unskilled rolls.
As ronin are not heimin, Kasuga technique does not apply.
Each player may choose a different choice if desired.
If you succeed at convincing Hitaro to return to Moshi Fuyumi, you gain 1xp and Moshi Fuyumi as a 1 influence, 1 devotion ally (or increase her devotion by 1 if appropriate) and gain/lose honor as if Politely ignoring another's dishonorable behavior.
If you succeed at convincing Hitaro to return to Moshi Fuyumi with 1 raise, you are inspired by their story and, in addition to the above, you gain 1 rank in Perform: Storytelling or Artisan: Poetry (your choice).
If you succeed at convincing Hitaro to commit seppuku, you gain 1xp, 0.2 honor and Sworn Enemy: Moshi Fuyumi (losing Ally: Moshi Fuyumi, if appropriate).
If you succeed at convincing Hitaro to commit seppuku with 1 raise, your understanding of bushido is strengthened and, in addition to the above, you gain 1 rank in Lore: Bushido.
If you fail to convince Hitaro in either direction, or choose to do nothing, you gain 1xp (only). Failed raises have no additional penalty.
Story effect:
The story outcome for Hitaro and Fuyumi will depend on how many players succeed at convincing Hitaro in each direction. In the event of a tie, the option listed first in the "Strike" phase wins the tiebreaker (i.e. return to Fuyumi wins ties against committing seppuku; either of those wins ties against doing nothing).