Research Library (Day 3 Morning)

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Research Library (Day 3 Morning)

Post by Narrator » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:35 pm

Kyuden Moshi has a most excellent library, and perhaps it occurs to you to spend time researching the nature of some of the peculiar events that you’ve witnessed.

The library is in a part of the Palace normally reserved for the students of the Moshi school. You must get permission to visit.

You may automatically join this event if you have any of:
- Ally: Moshi Fuyumi, Moshi Keiko or Ikoma Kado. Your ally arranges for you to visit the library.
- Trained by Moshi shugenja school. The library is in your school.
- Social Position advantage. You're important enough to gain access.
- Sage advantage. You automatically impress one of the scholars enough to let you in.

Otherwise you may attempt to get access to the library by rolling one of:
- INT/Lore (any) TN15 to impress one of the scholars with your knowledge
- AWA/Etiquette (Bureaucracy) TN15 to secure permission from an Imperial functionary

If you pass the roll, you may continue to the Focus phase. If you fail the roll, you cannot continue the event, but you may join another event. (You may only try one of the above rolls to enter.)

Once you get into the library, you find that there’s an immense number of scrolls to go through! To find something interesting, you can try any one of:
- Sort through the scrolls. INT/Calligraphy TN15
- Read specifically about the Centipede. INT/Lore: Centipede TN15
- Read historical records. INT/Lore: History TN15
- Search around at random. PER/Investigation (Search) TN15
- Persuade one of the Moshi scholars to helping you. AWA/Courtier (Manipulation) TN20. You get 1 FR if you have a Moshi ally. (Kasuga technique does not apply.)

You may choose to:
- Research the drought. Roll INT/Calligraphy, INT/Lore: Nature or INT/Lore: Theology TN15. If you overheard the poem of the ghost in the halls, you gain 1 FR to this roll.
- Research the ghost haunting the gardens. Roll INT/Calligraphy, INT/Lore: Ghosts or INT/Lore: Bushido TN15. If you understood the cries of the ghost in the gardens, you gain 1 FR to this roll.
- If you have the Fascination disadvantage, you must roll a raw WILL TN15 or else you spend your time researching the subject of your Fascination. If you do this, roll INT/Lore: (something appropriate) TN15.

You gain 1 FR for each other player who succeeded in a focus attempt different than your own.
If you did not succeed in your focus attempt, you must call 1 raise for no effect.
Remember that you cannot use raises on unskilled rolls.

If you succeed at your Strike attempt, you gain 1xp and a piece of knowledge about your research subject.
If you succeed with 1 raise, you gain additional information and 1 rank in whichever skill you rolled for the Strike attempt.
If you fail at the Strike attempt, you gain 1xp and only gather unsubstantiated fables.
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