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Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 8:14 am
by Narrator
Moshi Jukio, Daimyo of the Centipede Clan
Status 7.5, Glory 4.0, Honor: As Expected

Moshi Jukio is nominally the highest ranking samurai in the province, and is officially hostess to the Imperial Governor and the Imperial Legion that is stationed here to defend the province. In truth, the elderly Centipede daimyo is a prisoner of the Lion, guarded by 3 female Lion samurai “attendants”, who keep her carefully away from sharp blades and high places. It is thought that preserving Jukio's good health is important to the Imperial Governor, as her daughter, the Moshi heir, is said to still be alive and well in the Mantis Isles.

Moshi Jukio may not be taken as an ally. She is kept isolated and will not be accessible to player characters.

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Kitsu Motso, Imperial Governor of Tani Senshio Province
Status 6.0, Glory 7.0, Honor: Exceptional

Trained as a soldier rather than as a shugenja, Kitsu Motso was the Lion general who pushed the Mantis army back into the sea, and led the invasion of the Valley of the Centipede. It’s said that Motso’s brilliant tactics allowed the Lion to capture the fortifications defending the pass leading into the Valley in a single night. Since the conquest, the Emperor has confirmed Kitsu Motso as Imperial Governor of the province and allowed the occupying force to raise the standard of an Imperial Legion.

Kitsu Motso may not be taken as an ally. Due to his high status, it is unlikely that player characters will have much contact with him.

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Ikoma Kado, advisor to the Governor
Status 4.7, Glory 3.0, Honor: Untrustworthy

Formerly a low ranking officer in the Lion army, Ikoma Kado distinguished himself in battle by picking up a fallen standard and leading a charge. Since then, Kado has become a trusted advisor to Kitsu Motso, and was instrumental in the strategy for the invasion and subsequent occupation of the Valley of the Centipede. Kado is friendly and honest and is well-liked by the soldiers.

Ikoma Kado may be taken as a 2 influence ally, with RP justification.

Moshi Keiko, the Daimyo’s niece
Status 3.0, Glory 1.0, Honor: Untrustworthy

Niece of the daimyo and second in line for the succession, Moshi Keiko is said to have attempted to flee the invasion with a group of trusted retainers, but she was captured by the rapidly advancing Lion forces. Trained as a courtier, Keiko appears to have resigned herself to her status as a hostage, though her words sometimes betray a sense of bitterness.

Moshi Keiko may be taken as a 2 influence ally, with RP justification.

Moshi Fuyumi, a shrine maiden
Status 1.5, Glory 1.0, Honor: Exceptional

A temple attendant at the Moshi family shrine, Moshi Fuyumi has tried to make the best of things and to continue performing prayers and blessings despite the Lion occupation. Although she attempts to maintain a sunny disposition, sometimes her manner betrays a certain sadness over the lives that were lost during the invasion.

Moshi Fuyumi may be taken as a 1 influence ally, with RP justification.

Matsu Shigenobu, a foot soldier in the Lion army
Status 1.0, Glory 2.0, Honor: Exceptional

Born to a low ranking samurai family, the unfortunate Matsu Shigenobu is not well-liked by his commanding officer, perhaps due to a training accident involving a siege ladder that occurred some months ago. Ever since, Shigenobu has been getting assigned some of the less desirable duties, a fate which he has endeavored to stoically accept.

Matsu Shigenobu may be taken as a 1 influence ally, with RP justification.

Akane, village headwoman
Status 0.3, Glory 0.0, Honor: Peasant

The peasant headwoman of Kyuden Moshi no Machi village has struggled to look after her fellow villagers under the new Lion administration, but the combination of onerous taxes and failing crops has made it difficult.

Akane may be taken as a 1 influence ally, with RP justification.

Note: certain game events will also give you the opportunity to gain NPCs as allies without paying character points.