State of the Clans

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State of the Clans

Post by Narrator » Sun Sep 16, 2018 9:00 am

Following a terrible plague that struck most of Rokugan, including the Emperor himself, several clans rose up in revolt against the weakened Hantei. After much fighting, a climactic battle was fought outside the Imperial capital of Otosan-Uchi. The Imperial forces were victorious, and have pushed back the defeated rebels on all fronts, though many holdouts remain in the remote mountains and faraway islands.

Emperor: the immortal Hantei, who has brought peace back to (most of) the Empire through the dutiful efforts of his loyal servants. Although weakened by the ravages of the plague, the Hantei recovered enough to personally defeat the previous Dragon Champion in a battlefield duel outside the Imperial Capital.

Crab: initially they rose in revolt against the Emperor, but following several military defeats, the Crab Champion committed seppuku. His son, Hida Yakamo, became the new Crab Champion and swore loyalty to the Hantei. Crab armies have since occupied the Falcon province and helped push the Dragon back into the mountains.

Crane: the Crane were torn between loyal and rebel forces, but after a mighty duel between Doji Hoturi and a rival pretender, the Crane Champion has regained control of most of his clan — all except for the Daidoji, who remain in revolt and have retreated into the marshlands.

Dragon: still in open revolt against the Emperor. At one point the Dragon army and their hired ronin threatened the Imperial capitol itself, but were defeated in battle, the Dragon Champion slain by the Emperor. The surviving Dragon have been pushed back to Shiro Mirumoto, where their new champion, Mirumoto Hitomi, remains besieged by loyalist forces. Meanwhile, the Agasha family has fled the Dragon Mountains and proclaimed their loyalty to the Emperor.

Lion: the Lion have fought valiantly in defense of the Emperor. The Lion Champion, Matsu Tsuko, shattered the Dragon and their ronin in front of the walls of Otosan-Uchi, and her generals swept through the mainland holdings of the Yoritomo. Following the war, the Lion have been rewarded with control of several of the provinces they conquered.

Mantis: still in open revolt against the Emperor. During the war, the ambitious Yoritomo forged a minor clan alliance and, for a time, fielded an army on the mainland. After the defeat of their land forces by the Lion, the Mantis have retreated to the Isles of Silk and Spice, where their wall of ships have prevented any of the loyalist forces from threatening them.

Phoenix: the Phoenix have suffered for their loyalty to the Emperor. During the war, Shiro Shiba and Kyuden Isawa were sacked by rebel forces, the Isawa library burned to the ground, and the Phoenix Champion himself fell in the great battle outside the walls of Otosan-Uchi. The new Champion, Shiba Tsukune, is still very young, leaving the Elemental Council with greater influence over the clan.

Scorpion: Some years ago, the Scorpion captured the Imperial capital and murdered the previous Emperor, before being defeated by the combined forces of the other clans. The new Emperor dissolved the traitorous Scorpion Clan, and now there aren’t any Scorpion any more. (Or… maybe that’s what they want you to think.)

Unicorn: the aging Unicorn Champion, Shinjo Yokatsu, pursued a careful course of neutrality during the wars. It’s rumored that he sent Unicorn detachments to both sides at the battle of Otosan-Uchi, and all the Unicorn on the losing side were ordered to commit seppuku. Of course, no one would dare say such a thing in public about the Unicorn, who have loudly proclaimed their loyalty to the Emperor ever since.

Centipede: the Centipede declared for Yoritomo during the war. But after the defeat of the Mantis land forces, the Valley of the Centipede was conquered by the Lion after a bloody invasion. The Centipede daimyo, Moshi Junko, remains ruler in name, but in truth is a captive of the Lion governor and the occupying army.
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