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Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:42 am
by Volsung
Medinaat al-Salaam

Existing Schools
City Guard
Trait: +1 Reflexes
Integrity: 5.5
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Lore: Law, Investigation (Search), Spears, Swordsmanship, Any one Skill
Outfit: Longsword, shortsword, composite bow, 20 arrows, light armor, clothes, traveling pack, boots, 3 copper

Free Sahir
Trait: +1 Willpower
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Etiquette, Spellcraft, Lore: Theology, any two Lore skills, any two skills
Outfit: staff, knife, clothes, cloak, traveling pack, sandals, 5 copper

Alley Thug
Integrity: 2.5
Outfit: Partial Armor, sturdy clothing, Knife, any one weapon, traveling pack, 2 Copper

Integrity: 4.5
Outfit: Sensible Clothing, knife, calligraphy set, Traveling Pack, 3 Copper

Street Rat
Integrity: 1.5
Outfit: Ragged clothing, knife, one small weapon, Traveling pack, 1 Copper

Homebrew Schools
Medinaat Al-Salaam
Free Citizen Option #1. No Trait bonus. Gain an additional 10 experience points for character creation.

Free Citizen Option #2. No Trait bonus or school. Gain an additional 25 experience points for character creation.

Paths of the Free Man
Tomb Raiders (Diplomat)
The Tomb Raiders are an ancient organization that has been in existence for as long as Medinaat Al-Salaam has. The Tomb Raiders have no direct loyalty to any one nation or person and every nation or person of power has an interest in what the Tomb Raiders can dredge out of the sands.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Lore: Tombs 2
Technique: Add your Athletics skill rank to your Armor TN while you are in the Defense and Attack stances. You gain a +2k0 bonus to any roll to uncover a hidden object, place, or information.

The Thieves Guild (Warrior)
A shady group of cut-purses and vagabonds, the Thieves Guild is an organization that operates just outside the authority of the city and chooses to irritate those in charge by referring to themselves as a legitimate guild. The Thieves Guild is an ancient organization that has existed almost as long as the people of Medinaat Al-Salaam have had heavy purses that need lifting.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Sleight of Hand 2
Technique: When you are making an Agility/Sleight of Hand skill roll against a person your opponent suffers a -1k0 penalty to their roll for each Status Rank they have above yours, up to your Insight Rank.

Bodyguards (Warrior)
This group of men and women is an organization that has existed in one form or another within the city for generations. They line their pockets with contracts to the wealthy to whom they put their lives on the line to protect. The Bodyguards do not often have any interest in the exact details of why a person needs protection, they simply offer good protection. For the right price.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Defense 2, Integrity 3.0 or higher
Technique: Your Water Ring is one rank higher when determining your movement rate while you are moving in someone's defense. In addition you get a +1k0 bonus to damage rolls against an opponent who attacked the person you are guarding.

Militiamen (Warrior)
The Militiamen are a group of irregulars who serve at the whim of the Sultan and Caliph in the defense of the city. Unlike the City Guard irregulars they have no duty to enforce the laws of Medinaat Al-Salaam. Their only duty is to protect the city in the remote occasion when it finds itself attacked by an outside force. For the most part this is a cushy job with no real danger. But during the Awakening the Militiamen found themselves vastly out of their league against the threats they were facing.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Battle 3
Technique: You gain a bonus to your Armor TN equal to your Insight Rank. While you are in the attack stance you may spend a void point to give all of your allies in the attack stance within 10 feet this benefit as well. This effect does not stack.

Financier Guild (Diplomat)
In a city as large and as wealthy as Medinaat Al-Salaam, it is inevitable that there will be some people who have wealth but have no interest in keeping track of it themselves. The Financier's fit into this niche by assisting those who have no talent for finance keep track of their large sums of money. For the most part this group does not cheat their employers out of money. But skimming from the bottom of the fund does happen and the leaders of the group are generally more than happy to look the other way as long as they get a cut.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Commerce 3
Technique: After being given access to someone's financial records you may make a contested Intelligence/Commerce(Mathematics) roll against the person who's finances you are reading. If you succeed you get a +1k0 bonus to any social or commerce roll made against that person for the next 24 hours. Alternatively, you may make an Intelligence/Commerce (Mathematics) roll against a TN of 25. If you succeed any time you are making a social or commerce roll on that persons behalf you get a +1k0 bonus to your roll for the next 24 hours.

Fire Brigade (Warrior)
Fires are not immensely common in the Burning Sands, which is no small part due to the fact that many structures are not built of wood. But in the dry and hot environment, fires that do start can quickly blaze up and become a hazard. The Fire Brigade are the brave, and some would say suicidal, men and women who fight these flash fires and are often called upon to jump into the most hazardous of situations to save lives. The Fire Brigade knows no fear.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Athletics 2
Technique: You gain a +1k0 bonus to all rolls against Fear, Intimidation, and any roll in which you are resisting being frightened.

Grand Performer's Guild (Artisan)
While one of the names of the city is The City of One Thousand Tales, that is not to say Storytellers alone rule the city streets. This guild makes their living by entertaining the throngs with displays of talent with instruments. The Grand Performer's Guild has been in existence for several centuries and has helped to expand the arts within The City of Peace during their tenure.
Technique Rank: 3
Requirements: One Perform skill that is not Storytelling at 4
Technique: You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Perform skill rolls you have ranks in except Storytelling or Oratory. You gain the Sensation advantage. These effects do not stack.

Al-Din's Knife (Warrior)
This formidable group is the premier dueling school that is open only those who are able to prove their ability in the art of dueling. Al-Din's Knife has perfected their technique over the decades of their existence and uses that skill to deadly effect. Members of Al-Din's Knife are expected to treat dueling as the sacred art that it is.
Technique Rank: 3
Requirements: Tahaddi 4, You must defeat a member of Al-Din's Knife in a duel.
Technique: During a duel, if your Assessment roll exceeds the total of your opponents roll by 8 or more you gain a bonus of +1K1 on the subsequent Focus roll.

Jarad's Mercenaries (Warrior)
Perhaps the most feared of independent contractors within the city, Jarad's Mercenaries are a highly trained, well organized, and morally scrupulous. They don't particularly care for politics and will hire themselves on with whoever pays them their contract fee. Being as disciplined and trained as they are, the Mercenaries are a relatively small group, with perhaps only 60 men in their employ at any given time.
Technique Rank: 3
Requirements: At least one rank in all weapon skills or Warrior's Hands.
Technique: You may spend a Void Point to make attacks with the weapon you are wielding as a simple action for the remainder of the skirmish.

Storyteller's Guild (Artisan)
One of the older guilds within the city, the Storyteller's Guild is an elite group that is very picky about who they allow to join their illustrious group. Those that are allowed to join get a number of perks that many lesser Storytellers could only dream of. Clearance to tell a story at almost any time in almost any location, and best of all, private shows to high ranking officials.
Technique Rank: 3
Requirements: Perform: Storytelling 4, Must impress a member of the Storyteller's guild.
Technique: When making an Awareness/Perform: Storytelling roll you may declare a special raise. For each raise you made you may choose one person that heard your story and purchase them as an ally for one point less. In addition you gain a +1k0 bonus to all Perform: Storytelling and Etiquette skill rolls.

Rat Kings (Warrior)
The Rat Kings are a group of thieves and vagabonds that have honed their skills through experience and a hard life on the streets. The Rat Kings are rather exclusive as well, only allowing those that they know and trust into their fold to learn their secrets.
Technique Rank: 3
Requirements: Stealth 4, Athletics 4
Technique: When making a Stealth or Athletics skill roll, if you do not have the relevant emphasis in that skill you may re-roll any 1's as though you did possess the emphasis. If you do have the relevant emphasis you may re-roll 1's and 2's.

Hayreddin's School (Warrior)
Hayreddin was a skilled swordsman during the Awakening who showed both his skill and his compassion repeatedly over the tumultuous events. When everything was over, Hayreddin was asked to form a school to teach others what he knew, so they could better defend themselves. Hayreddin reluctantly accepted the offer and the school was formed. It faced some resistance from groups like Jarad's Mercenaries, but after Hayreddin defended his school against their depredations the Mercenaries reluctantly accepted the school's existence. Hayreddin himself still runs the school, though the years are beginning to take their toll on him.
Technique Rank: 3
Requirements: One weapon skill at 4
Technique: Making attacks with weapons with the Warrior keyword are a simple action for you.

Merchant Guild (Diplomat)
There has been a long and drawn out financial war between the Dahabi and the Merchant Guild. The Merchant Guild threatens the monopoly that the Dahabi have over the city, and many in the Merchant Guild have no interest in becoming lackeys of someone higher up in the food chain than they are. The men and women of the Merchant Guild are strong willed individuals who simply wish to live their lives following their own wishes and not having to worry about a boss.
Technique Rank: 4
Requirements: Commerce 5, Must defeat a member of the Merchant House in a Commercial affair.
Technique: In a contested Commerce skill roll or Social skill roll you may spend a Void point to give your opponent a -2k0 penalty to their roll.

Serpent's Bite (Ninja)
The Serpent's Bite is a group of blades for hire that were once the premier assassins of the city long ago. Since the Assassins of the Mountain have come into the city however, their fortunes have changed. Often times the Serpent's Bite fulfills contracts which the Assassins have no interest in or when the money isn't good enough to buy an Assassin of the Mountain.
Technique Rank: 4
Requirements: Knives or Brawling skill at 4
Technique: Making attacks with a Knife or unarmed are a simple action for you if the target is unaware of your presence or alone.

Black Masks (Warrior)
The Black Masks are a notorious group whose exact membership is unknown to all but their leader. All members where black hoods over their faces so that they cannot be recognized by anyone during the course of their duties. What exactly the Black Masks do is torture. Their knowledge of the human body and how to push it to its breaking point is beyond most other groups.
Technique Rank: 4
Requirements: Lore: Anatomy 4, Integrity 3.0 or less.
Technique: You gain a +1k0 bonus to damage rolls. Effects that ignore or reduce Wound Penalties are ignored by the damage you deal.

Crimelords (Diplomat)
The premier of the underworld, the Crimelords are the people who own places like the Maze and other places where most people fear to tread. They wield fear as a potent weapon that they turn on any who would oppose them. No one does business in the underworld without their knowledge and approval.
Technique Rank: 4
Requirements: Lore: Underworld 5
Technique: You may make a contested Willpower/Intimidation (Bullying) roll, resisted as normal. If you succeed on this roll your opponent suffers a -3k0 penalty to all rolls made against you can cannot call raises or use free raises in rolls made against you for one hour.

Bounty Hunters (Warrior)
The Bounty Hunters are a relentless group that is often hired on by the City Guard to collect criminals that they do not have the manpower available to apprehend themselves. They are trackers without peer and are known to hunt their prey relentlessly until they are brought in.
Technique Rank: 4
Requirements: Hunting 5
Technique: Once per day you may nominate a target for the remainder of that day. You get a +1k1 bonus to all Hunting or Investigation rolls related to your target and you may use the Disarm maneuver against your target for one raise.

Rangers (Warrior)
The Rangers spend most of their time outside the confines of the city, scouring the desert for signs of life which may lead to new opportunities for themselves and their city. The Rangers are skilled with bows, as many creatures in the Burning Sands are deadly enough to kill if they get close enough.
Technique Rank: 4
Requirements: Archery 4
Technique: Making attacks with a bow is considered a simple action for you.

Sages (Diplomat)
The Sages are the Lore masters of Medinaat Al-Salaam. There are few things that they do not have knowledge of and they jealously guard their secrets from those who are not members. Even among members, information is a hassle to get out of another as paranoia can run rampant among their ranks. Still, any information that can be found is always of use.
Technique Rank: 5
Requirements: Two Lore skills at 6, Must have the Forbidden Knowledge advantage.
Technique: You gain a +1k0 bonus on any non-combat roll that is related to a Lore skill that you possess. This ability stacks.

Shadow (Ninja)
The Shadow are a little known organization of thieves that hides deep in the underbelly of society. They are difficult to find, and even harder to get in contact with unless they have an interest in speaking to you. The Shadow serves in any number of different functions, from information gathering, to assassination, to simple burglary. There are few things that the Shadow does not have its fingers into, and it is impossible to say where one might appear next.
Technique Rank: 5
Requirements: Stealth 6, you must sneak in and out of a highly secured location without being noticed.
Technique: If you fail a Stealth skill roll or are spotted while attempting a Stealth skill roll, you may spend a Void point to re-roll. You must keep this new roll.

Sworddancer (Warrior)
The Sworddancers are some of the greatest weapon wielders of all time. Each member has proven his skill with a blade and is able to make it dance across a battlefield, inspiring both awe and terror in his opponents. The Sworddancers have existed as a group for centuries and have a very small population, considering the stringent requirements to join.
Technique Rank: 5
Requirements: A Weapon skill at 6, Perform: Dance 5
Technique: The number of raises you may call on an attack or Perform: Dance roll are not limited in any way. In addition, you gain a +4k0 bonus to your attack roll so long as you call a raise for a maneuver.

Caravan Guard (Warrior)
If it is the duty of the City Guard to keep the peace and enforce the laws inside Medinaat Al-Salaam, it is the duty of the Caravan Guard to protect the blood that keeps the great heart pumping. The Caravan Guard serves as bodyguards for large caravans, protecting the priceless goods heading to and from the City of 1,000 Tales from brigands and thieves. The duty of the Caravan Guard has remained mostly unchanged for centuries; the only difference is in where they go. Recent increased trade with the Ivory Kingdoms led many down into those fertile lands. But in more recent years contact with the Kingdoms has been cut off completely and stories of destruction and war are all that come north. The recent upheaval of the Senpet by the Yodotai and the continuing rebellion has limited that trade route. Most interestingly, the caravans they guard are beginning to edge closer to the Emerald Empire.
Benefit: +1 Strength
Integrity: 5.5
Skills: Defense, Commerce, Swordsmanship, Archery, Investigation (Notice), one Weapon skill, any one skill.
Outfit: Longsword, standard bow, 20 arrows, one weapon, Light Armor, clothes, traveling pack, 5 copper
Rank 1: Falcon’s Eyes
The Caravan Guard must always be on the lookout for danger. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Perception based rolls and attack rolls.
Rank 2: Gorilla’s Strength
The Caravan Guard must be prepared to crush trouble as soon as it arrives. Your Strength is considered to be two ranks higher when determining damage for Spears and Polearms.
Rank 3: Owl’s Wisdom
A Caravan Guard will spend most of his time out in the sands, learning all that there is to know about them. You are considered to have the Way of the Land Advantage as long as you are outside a city and within the Burning Sands. Your Strength is considered to be one rank higher when determining damage for Swords.
Rank 4: Fox’s Swiftness
Caravan Guard’s must be capable of attacking repeatedly so they can finish an enemy quickly and move on to the next. You may make attacks as a simple action with any weapon for which your Strength is increased when determining damage.
Rank 5: Jinn’s Power
You must be able to strike a blow as though you were a mighty Jinn in order to properly protect your caravan. You may spend a Void point to add +2k1 to your damage roll. In addition, Your Strength is considered to be two ranks higher when determining damage for Heavy Weapons.

Re: Schools

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:44 am
by Volsung

Existing Schools
Dahabi Enforcer (Warrior)
Trait: +1 Strength
Integrity: 2.5
Skills: Athletics, Brawling, Commerce, Intimidation (Bully), Swordsmanship, Lore: Underworld, Any one skill
Outfit: Longsword, knife, light armor, clothes, boots, traveling pack, 5 copper

Dahabi Bargainer (Sahir)
Trait: +1 Perception
Integrity: 1.5
Skills: Calligraphy (Cipher), Commerce, Courtier, Divination, Medicine, Spellcraft, Any one skill
Outfit: Knife, fine clothes, shoes, traveling pack, 20 copper

Dahabi Merchant (Diplomat)
Trait: +1 Intelligence
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Commerce (Barter), Courtier, Temptation (Bribery), Etiquette, Lore: Underworld, Any two skills
Outfit: Knife, fine clothes, shoes, traveling pack, 20 copper

Dahabi Paths
Dahabi Sybarite (Diplomat)
Dahabi Sybarites are not an unified group of people. Instead this path represents the advantages of the opulent and debaucherous life grants. A Dahabi Sybarite is a skilled tempter, apt at sensing what the other might yearn for. Additionally, the time spent indulging in the thousand and one pleasures of the Jewel has granted them with some degree of immunity against the many temptations of the city.
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Dahabi Merchant 2
Requirements: Character must have either the disadvantage greedy or lechery and at least 2 ranks of wealth.
Technique: You gain +1k0 to your opposed temptation rolls. Additionally, you may use your Awareness in the place of your Willpower when resisting temptation.

Re: Schools

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:45 am
by Volsung

Existing Schools
Qabal Agent
Trait: +1 Perception
Integrity: 1.5
Skills: Sincerity (Deceit), Etiquette, Forgery, Investigation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, One Merchant skill
Outfit: Knife, clothes, cloak, sandal, traveling pack, calligraphy kit, 5 copper

Qabal Summoner
Trait: +1 any one trait
Integrity: 2.5
Skills: Calligraphy, Divination, Spellcraft (Spell Research), Lore: Theology, Any one Lore, Any two skills
Outfit: Staff, knife, clothes, traveling pack, sandals, 5 copper

Re: Schools

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:45 am
by Volsung

Existing Schools
Assassin Slayer
Trait: +1 Agility
Integrity: 1.5
Skills: Acting (Disguise), Athletics, Sincerity (Deceit), Stealth, Lore: Underworld, Any one weapon skill, Any one skill
Outfit: Fine quality robes, kindjal or jambiya, any one weapon, set of clothing used for disguise, veil, climbing tools, traveling pack, 10 copper

Assassin Keeper
Trait: +1 Reflexes
Integrity: 1.5
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Etiquette, Investigation (Notice), Swordsmanship (Sayf-Saghir), Lore: Burning Sands, Any one skill
Outfit: Any two weapons, light armor, bow and 20 arrows, robes and kufi, sandals, traveling pack, 10 Copper

Schools and Paths
Assassin Sahir
Not all who follow the path of the Old Man of the Mountain so fear the ways of magic, a small subset of Assassins, recognizing the power that could be wielded if they added magical prowess to their own abilities began to practice in secret, learning from the Qabal and then using that knowledge to form their own techniques.
Technique Rank: 3
Replaces: Any Assassin Ninja School 3
Requirements: Spellcraft 3, Stealth 2
Secrecy and speed are the cornerstones of the Assassin's way of life. This has been carried into their work as Sahir as well. You may select a type of spell. You may cast spells of that type with subtlety without the need for a roll. This path counts as a rank in your original school as well as a rank in a Sahir school. You learn two spells with this technique as well.

Savant of the Mountain (Monk)
The Savants of the Mountain, or the gurus as they are sometimes called, are an enigmatic group that is not often seen away from the mountain that they still call home. Some few have turned to the training of the Assassins, but for the most part the two sides have learned to leave one another alone, though some of their secrets manage to find their ways into the hands of the Assassins. They are masters of the mystical arts of control of their own body though.
Devotion: Buddha
Benefit: +1 Agility
Integrity: 2.5
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Brawling, Lore: Theology (pick an emphasis), Meditation, any two skills.
Technique: Perfection of Self
The Gurus who have been living on the mountain for so many centuries are concerned only with the furthering of their own enlightenment and awakening their inner self. This dedication has lead them to master the more mystical arts. Your Insight Rank is considered to be one rank higher for the purposes of determining what Kihos you are able to learn.

Heretic of the Self (Monk)
Some gurus choose a lifestyle filled with blood and suffering. These gurus are shunned by their isolationist fellows, and removed from their presence, branded heretics. But for such gurus the Assassins are willing to allow them into their ranks to teach them the ways of their own ways, creating a masterful and deadly combination.
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Savant of the Mountain Rank 2
Requirements: Knives 5, Stealth 3
Technique: Touch of the Old Man
The Gurus who have been living on the mountain for so many centuries have become inexorably connected with the Assassins who make their home there. To the point where their techniques have begun to blend together. You may make atemi strikes with with knives as well as while unarmed. In addition, with any kiho which specifies that you must be unarmed you may be unarmed or wielding a knife.

Re: Schools

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:46 am
by Volsung

Existing Schools
Ra’Shari Knife-Fighter
Trait: +1 Agility
Integrity: 3.5
Skills: Sincerity (Deceit), Defense, Divination, Knives, Perform: Dance, Tahaddi, Any one skill
Outfit: Knife, staff, clothes, cloak, shoes, 5 copper

Ra’Shari Trader
Trait: +1 Intelligence
Integrity: 2.5
Skills: Commerce, Courtier, Temptation (Bribery), Etiquette, Lore: Underworld, Any two skills
Outfit: Staff, clothes, cloak, shoes, cart, scales ,10 copper

Ra’Shari Diviner
Trait: +1 Perception
Integrity: 3.5
Skills: Sincerity (Deceit), Divination, Medicine (Herbalism), Any one Perform skill, Spellcraft, Lore: Theology, Any one skill
Outfit: Knife, staff, clothes, cloak, shoes, 5 copper

Ra’Shari Paths
Ruvsero “Wolfhead” (Warrior)
The Ruvsero are the result of the extensive training given by the Ebonites to their Ra’shari allies to assist them in better serving against the forces of Kali-ma. The technique is young, with no more than a few dozen members, none of which have even yet had the opportunity to truly test themselves against the enemy they are preparing to face.
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Knife-Fighter 2
Requirements: Knives 4, Willpower 3
Technique: Strength against the Dark
The Ruvsero have been trained by the Ebonites to not only stand against the Darkness, but to strike it down as well. You gain a +1k0 bonus against Fear effects. In addition you gain a +0k1 bonus to your damage rolls against any opponent that you know has Shadowlands Taint or Shadow Corruption.

Ra'shari Charm Maker (Sahir)
It's often hard to tell whether or not the charms and protections the Ra'shari sell actually work. The cynical assume that it's nothing more than tricks and chicanery. However, scattered amongst the four caravans are a few Diviners with the knowledge to imbue a talisman with the magics particular to the Caravans. These Diviners are very careful about revealing such powerful magic however.
Technique Rank: 3
Replaces: Ra'shari Diviner 3
Requirements: Two Craft or Artisan Skills at 3
Technique: Talisman of Memory
You may create a talisman by making a successful artisan or craft roll with a TN equal to 10 plus 5x the spell's Master Level. Creating the talisman takes a number of days equal to the spell's mastery level. Characters must spend a minumum of 4 hours each day crafting the Charm. At the end of this period, the charm maker must make a successful roll for the cokaloi they are imbuing into the charm. Each talisman only stores one cokaloi and must be keyed to a specific user at creation and will only last for a season. This charm will work one time and may be activated as a simple action. A character already under a magical effect will cancel out any such effects if they activate this charm, a charm may not be used to 'stack' bonuses. Such powerful items can be stressful on the caster, and a character making charms may only have up to two times their School Rank made at any time.

You may only create charms from cokaloi that the caster already knows and may not create talismans from spells above Mastery Level 3.

Re: Schools

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:48 am
by Volsung

Theban, standard +1 Void.

Libral, +1 Stamina. The Libral live in a land that would be unfamiliar to most of their Senpet brethren; the High Steppes are an unforgiving landscape of hills and plateaus with little plant life, nearly the opposite of the flat landscape that many Senpet are used to. For all that difference however, the Libral are incredibly loyal to their Empire, and even now are one of the strongest resistors to Yodotai rule. This is not to say they are all adamant in their resistance, there are many who remember the tales of how they once resisted the Senpet when they first arrived, and they wonder if these new rulers will be as the old.

Kishan, +1 Strength. The Kishan lost the most in the war against the Yodotai. Living East of the Capital, the Kishan were in the direct path of the Yodotai war machine and as such the majority of the 20 year long war occurred on their lands. Entire towns were destroyed in the fighting, but the Kishan do not blame the Yodotai alone for their troubles, the Senpet who were all to eager to throw Kishan lives into the battles take their fair share of blame as well from the Kishan. The survivors are a rough lot that are mostly more interested in rebuilding their homes and their lives than fighting for one side or the other.

Pent, +1 Awareness. The Pent are a nearly nomadic group of people living at the Southern edge of the Senpet Empire. It is the Pent that have had the most contact with Medinaat Al-Salaam, and therefore it is little surprise that they have been the most corrupted by the reign of the Immortal Caliph. Ghuls have also become more prevalent, an eerie sign that the usual duties of killing such beasts are either not being properly taken care of, or there is a sharp increase in the number of Ghuls. Furthermore rumors abound that many Khadi are being hidden by the Pent in return for power. It is impossible to say if such allegations are true, but it has been enough to keep the Pent under a watchful eye.

Existing Schools
Senpet Legionnaire
Trait: +1 Reflexes
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Battle, Defense, Hunting (Survival), Swordsmanship, Lore: Theology 2, Any one skill
Outfit: Khopesh, shamshir, chain shirt, sandals, tunic, traveling pack, any one weapon, 5 copper

Senpet Charioteer
Trait: +1 Agility,
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Archery, Battle, Horsemanship (Chariot), Swordsmanship, Lore: Theology, Any two skills
Outfit: Khopesh, composite bow and 20 arrows, chain shirt, sandals, tunic, chariot, horse, traveling pack, 5 copper

Errata: Replace all instances of "While mounted on a chariot" with "while mounted".

Senpet Sahir
Trait: +1 Any Trait
Integrity: 2.5
Skills: Defense, Medicine, Meditation, Spellcraft, Lore: Theology (The Ten Thousand Gods) 2, Any one High or Bugei skill
Outfit: tunic, sandals, traveling pack, 5 copper

Technique: By the Grace of Gods
Unlike most of the sahir of the Burning Sands, the Senpet do not manipulate Hakhim's Seal to cast their spells. Instead, their prayers to the Ten Thousand Gods allow them to channel the forces of magic. You may spend any number of Void Points up your rank in the Lore: Theology Skill on your roll when casting a spell.

Spells: The Sacred Spells of the Senpet (Sacrifice of the Gods and Voice of the Ten Thousand) plus one spell from any Discipline of your choice. At each new rank, you gain two new spells of your choice, following the normal rules for such.

Ghul Destroyer (Sahir)
Rank: 3
Requirements: Lore: Ghuls 4

Ghul Hunter (Warrior)
Rank: 3
Requirements: Lore: Ghuls 4

Senpet Schools
Senpet Marksmen (Warrior)
The Senpet Marksmen are some of the premier archers in the Burning Sands, and some would argue in the world. The Archer has focused upon honing their skills with an arrow, nearly to the exclusion of all other weapons, usually only carrying a knife to defend themselves with on the slim chance an enemy gets close enough to strike at them. The Senpet Marksmen have served for hundreds of years and during the war against the Yodotai they featured prominently. In the end it became apparent that it would not be enough. Some Archers defected to the side of the Yodotai, others simply disappeared into the shadows, and the rest died in battle or were taken captive. Since the Yodotai conquest of the Senpet, the Senpet Marksmen have mostly been working as mercenary troops for their new lords but some units still remain with the resistance.
Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Archery (Composite longbow) 2, Defense, Hunting, Knives, Theology, any one skill.
Outfit: Composite longbow and one hundred arrows (any type), Sikin, Adaga, Chain shirt, tunic and sandals, traveling pack, 10 copper.
Rank 1: The Gods Hands
The bowman’s hands are guided by the hands of the Ten Thousand, as the temples of the Senpet preach. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Defense and Hunting skill rolls. In addition, you may add your Theology skill Rank to the total of all attack rolls.
Rank 2: Sting of the Gods
The Archer must strike precisely, even if that means giving up some of the power of the blow. Before your attack you may sacrifice a number of rolled damage dice no greater than your School Rank and roll that many additional dice on your attack roll.
Rank 3: Divine Guidance
Senpet Archers feel the guidance of the Ten Thousand at all times, assisting them in their battles. Making attacks with a bow is a simple action.
Rank 4: Yoroth’s Arrow
The deity of the bow, Yoroth, is known for never missing his mark no matter what gets in his way. When you spend a Void Point to enhance a ranged attack roll you gain an additional free raise on that roll.
Rank 5: Ten Thousand Arrows
A true master of the bow can empty his quiver as quickly as the blink of an eye, according to Senpet doctrine. If you have attacked twice this round using a bow and hit two different targets you may make an attack with a bow as a free action against one of those targets.

Senpet Assessor (Diplomat)
Before their fall, the Senpet used slave labor to complete many of their grand works. It was the job of the Assessors to go out into the world and buy the proper slaves, ensuring that the glory of the Senpet Empire continued. The Assessors also served as valuable diplomats, keeping ties between the Senpet and their neighbors cordial, even as they bought them as slaves. When the Senpet fell upon hard times it was the Assessors that came to Medinaat Al-Salaam and worked out deals with the Immortal Caliph, and when the war with the Yodotai began, it was the Assessors which tried valiantly to hold the Yodotai at bay with threats of allies, but for the crime of enslaving those with the same blood as the Yodotai unknowingly, they were offered no quarter. Since the fall of the Empire, the Assessors have been forced into the world at large, desperately searching for allies that might help them take their home back.
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Courtier, Commerce (Appraisal), Deceit, Etiquette, Theology, any low skill, any one skill.
Outfit: Fine Tunic, Knife, Sandals, Traveling Pack, 15 copper.
Rank 1: A Careful Eye
The Senpet Assessor must always have an eye out for a useful slave, and an Assessor that cannot is looked upon poorly by their fellows. A number of times per day equal to your School Rank you may make an Awareness/Commerce (Appraisal) roll against a TN of 10 plus their opponent's Insight Rank x 5. If successful, they learn one of the target's Traits. Raises may be made on this roll to learn more information by one per raise.
Rank 2: Assurance in Duty
You are so certain of your superiority over those you are negotiating with that they begin to doubt themselves. Opponents in a contested Commerce or Courtier skill roll must make an additional raise (for no effect) in order to make the roll.
Rank 3: 10,000 Words
An Assessor’s faith in the 10,000 is absolute, and for this faith the 10,000 whisper to the Assessor when they sense falsehood. Attempts to lie or mislead you suffer a -2k0 penalty to the roll. In addition, when using A Careful Eye and can use raises to determine skills in the same manner as Traits.
Rank 4: Speaking for All
The Senpet sometimes make use of cat’s-paws, getting others to do their will while they remain in the clear. A number of times per session equal to your School Rank you may spend a Void point to force your opponent in a Contested Social roll to use a mental trait that you have already discovered of your choice instead of the trait called for.
Rank 5: Know the Enemy
By the time an Assessor has gained this much knowledge, they can, with a glance, know what their competition will say before they even know themselves. You may call four raises when using A Careful Eye against someone. If you succeed you gain a +5k0 bonus on all Contested Social rolls against that target for the rest of the day. You may also use A Careful Eye to determine advantages and disadvantages, the GM determines what advantages and disadvantages are learned.

Senpet Architect (Artisan)
The Great Eye of the Desert ranks among the largest cities in the entire world, and it is not by chance that this occurred. At the beginning of the Senpet Empires birth, the Pharaoh declared that The Great Eye would be the most spectacular city to have ever existed. The architects of the city took his challenge and did extraordinary things. Pillars were built high enough that it seemed they almost touched the clouds; giant paintings covered the extensive walls of the vast pyramids meant to entomb dead pharaohs. Everywhere you looked in The Great Eye of the Desert there were signs of the glory of the Senpet. Since the Yodotai have come in, the city has fallen into disrepair. The great drought left the city wallowing in thirst, with little time for maintaining what had already been built, let alone expanding further. Furthermore when the legions of the Yodotai took the city, many citizens fled to the South. The population of the city has shrunken dramatically and though the drought has let up some, the current population is barely being supported by the water available. Through all this disaster, the Architects have survived. Many still live in The Great Eye, trying desperately to recapture the spark that was there. Others though have moved on, some to Medinaat Al-Salaam where they are attempting to build a new home that is grander than the last. Some have even gone to the Yodotai, bringing their artistic talents to the already rather spectacular engineering feats of the Yodotai.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Integrity: 5.5
Skills: Calligraphy (Cipher), Lore: Theology, Artisan (pick one), Craft (pick one), 2 Engineering, one high skill.
Outfit: Tunic, sandals, crafting tools, traveling pack, 15 copper.
Rank 1: The First Stone
The act of creation of art is a veneration of the gods. Choose one artisan or craft skill, you gain a +2k0 bonus to all rolls with that skill. When crafting an object you may make one raise to make you or a person of your choice gain a number of Reputation points equal to your School Rank. You may only use this ability once per month.
Rank 2: 10,000 Careful Eyes
The understanding that the eyes of the Gods are upon them inspires Architects to great success. By spending a Void, you may reroll any Artisan or Crafting roll in which you possess at least one rank, keeping whichever roll is higher.
Rank 3: The Foundation
Just as a single strong floor may support many floors above it, so to may an experienced Architect enable lesser artisans to join them in great works. You may oversee the work of a number of workers equal to your School Rank plus your Craft/Artisan Skill rank (based upon the task) who are working upon a common project; these individuals may operate as if they had your skill instead of their own, though they must use their own Rings. In addition, the Architect's understanding of the nature of one art allows him to understand more of others; you may add your skill rank in your chosen skill from Rank 1 to the total of all Artisan or Craft rolls you make.
Rank 4: To Make a Name
Your name and the name of those you venerate are one. You may grant a number of Reputation points equal to your own Reputation rank to any one person who you chose to focus upon in your work. This technique may be used once per week and replaces the technique from rank one.
Rank 5: The Keystone
A Master architect can bring beauty to even the most mundane of objects with nigh-miraculous speed. Your construction costs are now halved and the time of construction is calculated based upon this reduced cost.

Senpet Paths
Brothers of the Black Shield (Bushi)
The Brothers of the Black Shield are an elite unit of guardsmen whose duty it is to protect people of importance within the Senpet Empire and to protect the ideals of the Empire. This group was founded in the Seventh Century by an enigmatic duo of brothers who saved the Pharaoh from a coup attempt by a traitorous general. Since that time, the Brothers of the Black Shield have defended Senpet citizens from high nobility to lowly peasant. After the fall of the Empire, the Brothers stayed, continuing to defend those who cannot defend themselves.
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Senpet Legionnaire and Senpet Charioteer 2
Technique: You may guard an ally against a number of opponents equal to your School Rank. In addition, the person you are guarding gains an additional bonus of +10 to their Armor TN.

Priest of the 10, 000 (Monk)
Religion is all important to the Senpet people, and this path emphasizes this importance among all their citizens, from the mighty warrior to the talented sahir. In an age where each Senpet must be able to both wield a sword and be capable of gathering allies, the Priests have become a powerful way to do this as well as remind each Senpet of the gods they refuse to let fade away.
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Any Senpet Rank 2 technique.
Technique: You gain two free raises every day. These raises may only be used for attack, spellcasting, and social skill rolls. Once used the raise is gone until it refills the next day.

Re: Schools

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:51 am
by Volsung

Any Yodotai may purchase the Magic Resistance advantage for one point less and are able to choose what type of magic it resists. In addition, Yodotai may purchase additional ranks of Magic Resistance after character creation.
Hanif, +1 Strength

Grekoi, +1 Awareness. The Grekoi are a great example of the lengths to which the Yodotai will go to avoid water after First Crusade. The Grekoi were across a small sea from the Yodotai civilization, perhaps 20 miles away or less. The sea could have been easily crossed. Instead the Yodotai sent their troops through five hundred miles of dense forest and high mountains as a display of strength to the Grekoi. It worked incredibly well and only after one battle the Grekoi capitulated and joined the Yodotai. The Grekoi are a philosophical people, more interested in the sciences and the nature of the relationship between humans and the gods than they are warfare. Their culture adapted quickly to the Yodotai and their engineering and scientific feats were turned to a more military outlook. Since then the Grekoi have served loyally with the Yodotai and proven their worth numerous times.

Cartagi, +1 Willpower. The Cartagi were one of the toughest fights the Yodotai ever faced. Five hundred years ago the Cartagi and Yodotai first came into contact with one another. Both were mighty empires by that time that were intent upon expanding and so the meeting came to blows almost immediately. War raged for 30 years and for a time it looked as though the Yodotai might actually lose. The death of the then Warlord, Scipius, refueled the Yodotai efforts then, and victory eventually became theirs. The Cartagi are a mostly sea-faring race, which was part of the reason the Yodotai had such difficulty with them. Since their defeat, the Cartagi have maintained a small defensive fleet that is manned by the remains of the Cartagi people.

Gallim, +1 Agility. Until the defeat of the Senpet, the Gallim had been the latest acquisition by the Yodotai. A semi-nomadic people, the Gallim were fairly quickly overrun by the Yodotai war machine, but that does not mean they were quickly adopted into the fold. The Gallim are a proud people that generally prefer not to have outsiders interfere with their lives, and so the Yodotai rule was a thorny element for a long time. Many Gallim tribes continue to be nomadic in nature, traveling where they please, though taxes and tribute are still given to the Yodotai periodically. Mostly the Yodotai let such excesses go so long as they follow their gods and pay the taxes. It would be incorrect to say that the Yodotai have tamed the Gallim.

Existing Schools
Yodotai Legionnaire
Trait: +1 Agility
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Battle, Defense, Horsemanship, Lore: History (Yodotai), Spears (Pilum), Swordsmanship, Any one skill
Outfit: Lorica segmenta, gladius, shield (scutum or parma), 2 pila, sandals, tunic, toga, traveling pack, 5 copper

Yodotai Mercenary
Trait: +1 Reflexes
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Intimidation, Defense, Etiquette, Spears (Pilum), Swordsmanship, Any two skills.
Outfit: Yodotai chain shirt, gladius, pugio 2 pila, parma, sandals, tunic, toga, traveling pack, 5 copper

Rank 2: Add "If successful, you gain a +2k0 bonus on all Contested Social rolls and Attack rolls made against that person for the rest of the day. You may only use this technique against a target once per day."

Yodotai Schools
Battle Tactician (Warrior)
The Battle Tactician comes from the days of the defeat of the Grekoi. Turning to a more military bent, the Grekoi eventually made the Battle Tactician School, which has served the Yodotai cause incredibly well. Many major victories in the recent Senpet campaign were thanks to the Battle Tacticians, and it was Battle Tactician siege engines that brought down the walls of Medinaat Al-Salaam The Battle Tacticians study not only war, but history, as well as politics so they may better serve the Yodotai and prove themselves to be great masters of various arts.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Lore: History, Engineering (Siege), Battle (Mass Combat), Investigation, Lore:(Choose one Faction), any weapon skill, any High skill.
Outfit: Chain shirt, Gladius, 2 Pilum, Pugio, shield (scutum or parma), tunic, sandals, toga, travel pack, 10 copper
Rank 1: Skill Over Force
Tacticians are trained to overcome their own weaknesses and faults. You may spend a Void Point to turn the penalties to your dominant hand for wielding a shield in your off-hand into a bonus for you and any allies within 30 feet for the rest of the round. In addition, you gain a +1k0 bonus to all Battle and Engineering rolls.
Rank 2: With My Brothers
The Yodotai fight, even beyond death, and with the help of the Tactician they do so even better. During a skirmish, at the beginning of each round you may add your ranks in the Battle skill to your attack rolls, defense rolls, or initiative. You may spend a Void point to give this bonus to an ally within 30 feet instead.
Rank 3: The Weak points
As a Tactician, you are trained to strike quickly at an enemy and not give them a chance to strike back. Making attacks with a Yodotai or Warrior keyword weapon is a simple action for you.
Rank 4: Shepherding the Fools
The Grekoi were well known for their deceitful tactics in war that goad the enemy out of position in order to be hit by a second blow. In a Perception/Battle (Mass Combat) roll, if your roll exceeds your opponents by 3 or more you are considered to have the advantage. In addition, during the Determination phase of Mass Combat you may double or halve your Water ring to determine your score.
Rank 5: Conquest’s Strategy
When the Yodotai go to war, it is never without knowing their enemies as well as their enemies know themselves. You no longer have to spend a Void point to activate the Rank 1 and 2 techniques. In addition, any opponent during a skirmish within 30 feet which belongs to a faction for which you have the relevant Lore skill suffers a -2k0 penalty to all skill rolls. Opponents cannot suffer higher than a -6k0 penalty from this technique, minimum 1k1.

Yodotai Raider (Warrior)
The Yodotai rarely rely upon honorable combat to achieve victory, they are far more pragmatic about warfare. That is why the Raiders were first created. The Raiders come from a Cartagi descent, taking from the army schools of their defeated foe and learning from them. The Raider School teaches brutal combat and fast action as they will more often than not be serving behind enemy lines to further the Yodotai cause. Unlike the other military schools of the Yodotai, the Raiders receive little open recognition or praise, but it is well understood that they are an important part of the war effort. The Raiders also serve as the majority of the crews on the small fleet the Yodotai keep. More recently, the Raiders found use against the Senpet Empire and it was their subversive actions that kept the Senpet Empire from bringing its full force to bear against the Yodotai.
Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Integrity: 2.5
Skills: Athletics, Sailing, Hunting (Traps), Swordsmanship, Knives, Stealth, any one skill.
Outfit: Gladius, Pugio, Composite bow and 20 arrows, Lorica Segmentata, Parma, boots, tunic, toga, travel pack, 5 copper
Special: Only a member of the Cartagi may join this school.
Rank 1: The Lone Sail
The Raider’s first lesson is that they will have to fight wherever is necessary, with whatever is on hand, and that they will almost always be outnumbered. You gain a +1k0 bonus on all Hunting and Stealth rolls. Opponents do not gain a bonus from being mounted or on higher ground.
Rank 2: The Waves Stand Strong
A Raider is very rarely in the presence of many other allies; as such he must do his best to make certain those allies can hit their enemies. If you strike an opponent their Armor TN is reduced by 5 until the reactions stage of the next round. This effect does not stack with other applications of the technique. In addition you also gain a +1k1 bonus on damage for traps you build.
Rank 3: Swift as the Ocean Breeze
You may make melee attacks as a simple action.
Rank 4: Move as the Sea
The Raider knows that in battle they will always be outnumbered, so they must even the odds by whatever means possible. Traps you create do an additional +2k1 damage. In addition, when attacking with a bow you may add +2k1 to your attack roll.
Rank 5: Vengeance of the Mighty and Merciless Sea
While it would be wrong to say that the Raiders worship the Deity of Fear, they hold a great respect for her power. When facing opponents in combat you gain a Fear rating of 4.

Advance Scout (Warrior)
The Empire is always expanding, and to keep expanding the empire must always know what is outside its borders. This role is filled by the Advance Scouts. For centuries the Scouts have been one step ahead of the Empire, telling them everything they need to know about what is beyond the horizon. Without this vital component, the war effort would slow to a halt as the Yodotai would not know what enemies they would be facing next. The Advance Scout School has recently undergone a change with the acquisition of the Gallim tribes, showing their ingenuity and willingness to take on the better elements of the cultures the Yodotai take over; much of the training a Gallim scout would have undergone has been taken into the school.
Benefit: +1 Perception
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Athletics, Hunting (Survival), Horsemanship, Lore: Geography, Stealth, Swordsmanship, any one skill.
Outfit: Gladius, Pugio, Lorica Segmentata, Horse, tunic, toga, sandals, traveling pack, 5 copper.
Rank 1: The Edge of Danger
The Scout must move quickly to survive. You gain a +1k0 bonus on all Hunting skill rolls. After spending a week in an area you may purchase the Way of the Land advantage for that area for one point less.
Rank 2: The Quick Strike
While you are in the Attack stance if you strike an opponent, your Armor TN against that person increases by 5 until the reactions stage of the next round. When you spend a Void point to increase your Armor TN your Armor TN is increased by 10 plus your School Rank.
Rank 3: Surviving in a Strange Land
You may spend a number of days equal to your School Rank with only 4 hours of sleep and two meals a day with no penalties. In addition you start combat in the Full Defense posture unless you state otherwise.
Rank 4: The Second Blow
You may make attacks with weapons that have the Yodotai or Warrior keywords as a simple action.
Rank 5: Veil of Deceit
The Scout is ever vigilant for dangers both to himself and the Empire. You may spend a void point in a situation where you would be unaware of an incoming attack to immediately become aware of the attack. In addition, you may spend a Void point to raise your Armor TN at any time.

Yodotai Surgeon (Warrior)
The art of surgery is a well honored tradition in many lands outside of Rokugan, but in few places is it more prized than among the Yodotai. Lacking a magical tradition of their own, the Yodotai suffered from bad battlefield losses that did not plague their foes. In their usual ingenious manner, the Yodotai discovered a solution. Surgery, though it takes a great deal of time and can leave the patient in bed for a week, is the equal of almost any of the magic the Yodotai have encountered. Battlefield medics turned from short-term wound healers to an integral part of the Yodotai strategy. Surgeons are highly prized among the Yodotai armies and are often defended to the death by their compatriots, for if their surgeon falls, who is it that will heal them when they fall.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Lore: Anatomy, Divination, Medicine (surgery) 2, Swordsmanship, Theology , any one skill
Outfit: Gladius, Pugio, Lorica Segmentata, Shield (Parma or Scutum), tunic, toga, medicine kit, surgeon’s kit, traveling pack, 5 Copper.
Rank 1: The First Cut
Young Surgeons often find themselves directly on the front lines, finding it is their duty to staunch wounds enough that a soldier can keep fighting. You get a +1k0 bonus to all Medicine skill rolls. In addition, when making an Intelligence/Medicine roll to heal wounds, you may call raises to decrease the time needed to properly bandage your patient by one turn per raise, to a minimum of one turn when using the Wound Treatment emphasis. When using the surgery emphasis you may call raises to decrease the time needed by 10 minutes per raise, to a minimum of 20 minutes.
Rank 2: To be the Wall
Yodotai Surgeons often find themselves on the field of battle, and they have learned to protect themselves and their charges as best as possible. When you are in the Full Defense stance you may make an Intelligence/Medicine (Wound Treatment) roll as a free action. In addition, you double the Armor TN bonus from shields when in the Defense or Full Defense stances.
Rank 3: Master of the Arts
By this level in their training, a Surgeon knows their patient’s bodies better than they do. You may add your Lore: Anatomy skill plus your School Rank to the result of all wound treatment rolls.
Rank 4: You Cannot Fall
On the field of battle, a surgeon must be prepared to fight and to protect his fellow soldiers. You may make attacks with weapons that have the Yodotai or Warrior keywords as a simple action.
Rank 5: Brotherhood of Fidelity
The loyalty of the Yodotai soldier is beyond all doubt. Encouraged and emboldened by the Surgeons, a soldier can fight well beyond his normal capabilities. You gain an additional Nicked wound level. You may spend a Void point at the beginning of a skirmish to grant all allies within 30 feet an additional nicked wound level for the duration of the combat. Wounds taken do not disappear with the wound level.

Not a school in and of itself, but a series of schools. The Yodotai are very pragmatic about warfare and do not entirely destroy the military schools of those they conquer, they simply take control of those schools. The Yodotai have access to the schools of any faction they have conquered.

Yodotai Paths
The Yodotai are an army that is almost always on the offensive. Occasionally however, they come across an opponent who strikes out just as hard as they do. To deal with such situations, the Triarii were formed, an elite unit of spearmen who serve alongside the other legionnaires.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Spears 2
Replaces: Yodotai Legionnaire 2, Battle Tactician 2, Yodotai Mercenary 2
Technique: You are given a spear. While you are on Full Defense and carrying a shield if an opponent makes a melee attack against you and misses they suffer a number of wounds equal to the difference by which they missed up to your School Rank. You may spend a Void point to give all allies within 10 feet that are wielding a shield and in the Full Defense stance the benefits of this technique. Add the School Ranks of all those that activated this ability together to determine the maximum wounds taken.

Constant warfare has made one thing perfectly clear, it is always better to be able to hit your enemy before they hit you. The easiest way to do that is with range. The Pilum is a dangerous tool in the right hands, and these soldiers are trained in their use to be deadly opponents.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Athletics (Throwing) 2
Replaces: Yodotai Legionnaire 2, Yodotai Raider 2, Advance Scout 2
Technique: You are able to throw a pilum 80 feet without penalty. Those struck by a pilum you throw reduce their Armor TN by your School Rank until the Reactions stage of the next round. You may spend a Void point to give all allies within 10 feet that are wielding a Pilum the benefits of this technique. Add the School Ranks of all those that activated this ability together to determine the Armor TN reduction taken.

Equitatus Lancearii
The Yodotai are not well known for their cavalry, being mostly based around their infantry. But they long ago realized the danger of heavy cavalry. Yodotai Cavalry therefore are meant more as a deterrent against enemy cavalry than as a force to attack enemy infantry.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Horsemanship 2
Replaces: Yodotai Raider 2, Advance Scout 2, Yodotai Surgeon 2
Technique: Your mount moves as though it had one more rank of Fleet. While you are mounted and attacking a mounted opponent you gain a +1k0 bonus to your attack roll. You may spend a Void point to give all allies within 10 feet that are mounted and attacking a mounted opponent the benefits of this technique.

The Engineers are the lifeblood of the Yodotai empire. It is the Engineers that oversee the construction of the highway system, the construction of new cities and fortifications, and the construction of siege equipment. Without engineers, the steady progress of the Empire would screech to a halt.
Technique Rank: 4
Requirements: Engineering 5
Replaces: Battle Tactician 4
Technique: You may spend 2 Void Points while making an Engineering roll to build an object common sized or larger to give it additional wounds equal to your School Rank x 100 and additional reduction equal to your School Rank. If the object is a Siege weapon it deals an additional +2k0 damage and ignores 2 more reduction instead.

It is the destiny of all Yodotai to lead; this path exists to help them along their path to leadership so that they may better serve the Empire. The Centurion is the man on the front lines, encouraging their brothers to dive further into the fight and refusing to back down in the face of overwhelming odds. The casualty rate for Centurions is rather high, but that does not discourage more from attempting to achieve such a prestigious position.
Technique Rank: 4, 5
Requirements: Battle 5
Replaces: Yodotai Legionnaire 4, Yodotai Mercenary 4, Battle Tactician 4, Yodotai Raider 4, Yodotai Surgeon 5, Advance Scout 5
Technique: You gain a +2k1 bonus against all Fear and Intimidation checks. You do not need to spend a void point to swap your initiative with an ally. All allies within 30 feet of you are affected by these abilities.

Re: Schools

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:52 am
by Volsung

The Touched, +1 Awareness. The Jackal began as a group of individuals that had been rejected by the Ebon Order. These like minded individuals have come together in their hatred of the Ebonites, though now with the Ebon Stone mostly destroyed and their view of the world shattered with it, many of the Touched wonder what they will do now.

The Orphaned, +1 Agility. The efforts of a Jackal named Wardah are the cause of this family. Looking for greater numbers of loyal soldiers, she took in the orphans and riff-raff on the streets of Medinaat Al-Salaam and shaped them into Jackal warriors. Since her death, the number of Orphans brought in has declined precipitously, but the Orphaned today make up no small amount of the Jackals numbers and are incredibly loyal.

Existing Schools
Jani (Warrior)
Trait: +1 Agility
Integrity: 1.5
Skills: Athletics, Brawling, Knives, Acting, Assassin ranged weapons, Stealth, Lore: Underworld (Medinaat al-Salaam)
Outfit: Dagger, light armor, robe or street clothes, boots or sandals, 1 copper

Necromancer (Sahir)
Trait: +1 Intelligence
Integrity: 1.5
Skills: Lore: Anatomy, Knives, Calligraphy (Cipher), Lore: Undead, Medicine, Craft: Poison, Staves
Outfit: Knife, staff, robe and sandals, traveling pack, 2 copper

Kabir (Diplomat)
Trait: +1 Awareness
Integrity: 2.5
Skills: Courtier, Sincerity (Deceit), Knives, Medicine, Craft: Poison, Sleight of Hand, Lore: Underworld (Burning Sands)
Outfit: Knife, apothecary kit, clothes, shoes, traveling pack, 2 copper 50 pool

Jackal Paths
Seeker of Truth (Diplomat)
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Any Jackal Rank 2
Requirements: Awareness 3, Meditation 3
Technique: You may make a contested Investigation/Awareness roll against a target's Sincerity/Void. If successful you learn whether the target has Shadow Corruption or not. The target is unaware of this roll. In addition, a number of times per day equal to your School Rank you may make a Meditation/Void roll at TN 20 to gain a +2k0 bonus to all Investigation skill rolls for one hour.

Re: Schools

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:54 am
by Volsung

Existing Schools
Ebonite Templar
Trait: +1 Agility
Integrity: 6.5
Skills: Defense, Investigation, Lore: Law, Any one Lore skill, Swordsmanship (Ebonite Longsword), Lore: Theology, Any one skill
Outfit: Sturdy clothing, traveling pack, Ebonite armor, Ebonite longsword, knife, 10 copper

Master of the Wolves
Technique Rank: 3
Requirements: Animal Handling (Wolves) 5

Ebonite Schools
Ebonite Magician (Sahir)
The Ebonite Magician is a tradition that has been within the Order of the Ebon Hand since they first arrived in Medinaat Al-Salaam They wielded strange magics and gave new insights into the burgeoning magical talent within the city. As the centuries passed, the Magicians became more of a hybrid between the old Ivory Kingdoms magic and the magic of Hakhim's Seal. The Magicians have also become more specialized, becoming experts at destroying the undead. With the destruction of the Qabal during the reign of the Immortal Caliph, the Ebonite Magicians remained one of the few places where one could safely practice magic, as even the Caliph was hesitant to bring her power against the Ebonite Order. Since the fall of the Caliph and the supposed destruction of the Jackals power base within the city, the Magicians have been left with a much easier duty within the city of attempting to clean it of what Ghuls remain.
Benefit: +1 Willpower
Integrity: 6.5
Skills: Calligraphy, Spellcraft, Theology, Lore: Ghuls, Lore (Choose one), Swordsmanship, any one skill
Outfit: Ebonite Armor, Ebonite Longsword, Sturdy clothing, Traveling pack, 10 Copper
Technique: Stand Against the Darkness
The Magicians duty above all else is to protect the innocent and confront the wicked. You gain a Free Raise on Earth spells. You may choose one of the following bonuses each day. Gain a +2k1 bonus on spellcasting rolls that help or heal allies or known innocents or gain a +2k1 bonus on spellcasting rolls that injure or hinder known criminals or Jackals. You may learn two new spells with each School Rank.

Ebonite Applicant (Warrior)
Not all who join the Order of the Ebon Hand are destined to become Templar or Magicians. For every person that passes the Test there are two who will never be given the option, for they do not have what it takes to pass. Eventually, some of these Applicants will be given the chance to take the test, but the majority never advance past this state. They can still find purpose within the Order. Applicants often take up duties that the Templar cannot, thus serving the Order in their own way. An Applicant's training mostly consists of learning how to shut down their opponent, keeping them from gaining any advantage until help can arrive. During the reign of the Immortal Caliph, the Applicants found a great deal of use as the Order of the Ebon Hand had to rely on less direct methods to assist people, since those times the Applicants have found themselves used less and less on the front lines and are more often relegated to serve as support to their more public brethren.
Benefit: +1 Strength
Integrity: 4.5
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Tahaddi, Brawling, Lore (choose one), Swordsmanship, one Low Skill
Outfit: Longsword, knife, Bow and 20 arrows, Sturdy clothing, Light Armor, Traveling pack, 5 Copper.
Rank 1: Strength in Courage
Applicants learn how to properly use their strength in all situations, giving them a slight edge over foes that do not usually get such training. In any contested Strength roll, you gain a +1k1 bonus to the roll. In addition, your wound penalties are reduced by your Earth ring.
Rank 2: Stand Against Evil
An Applicant must learn that they can give no thought to their own life, it is the life of those they are protecting that is the most important. You gain a Reduction rating equal to your Earth Rank.
Rank 3: Move against the Pain
At this level of training, the Applicant learns how to strike against their enemies with twice the speed. You may make unarmed attacks, or attacks with a knife or weapon that uses the Warrior keyword as a simple action.
Rank 4: Break the Attack
Against the worst that can be put against them, the Applicant must be able to protect themselves and others against this power. You may declare two raises on an attack roll against someone in the Full Attack posture. If your attack is successful, they lose all benefits of the Full Attack posture.
Rank 5: Simple Maneuvers
An Applicant, by now, is able to read the movements of their opponents so well that they can avoid most blows. When an opponent in combat performs a maneuver which require raises against you, the number of raises needed to perform the maneuver are doubled. This includes damage raises.

Ebonite Paths
Jubal's Technique
Jubal was perhaps one of the most premier applicants in centuries, and his fight against the foes of the Ebon Hand was an absolute success. Jubal has now used what he learned in years out in the field to teach the next generation.
Technique Rank: 2
Requirements: Brawling or Knives 2
Replaces: Applicant 2
Technique: When you are unarmed or using a knife, you gain a +2k0 bonus to all damage rolls.

Ebonite Vanguard (Warrior)
Requirements: Swordsmanship 3, Defense 3
Replaces: Any Ebonite School Rank 3
Technique: The Shield Leads: The Ebonites must often fight against unfair odds, and are frequently outnumbered. To compensate for this, they have mastered the use of the shield, not only as a tool, but also as a seamless extension of their body, both offensively and defensively, allowing them to strike down multiple foes while maintaining their guard. When using a Shield and sword, you may ignore the shield penalty to attack rolls while in the Attack Stance, and may make attacks as a simple action while wielding any sword in the Attack Stance.

Heroic Effort (Warrior)
The Order of the Ebon Hand has long been regarded as a bastion of Heroic, if mysterious, strength. Seeing that their heroism will be needed more than ever in the times ahead, Templar Cassius has begun to instruct a select group of truly courageous Ebonites. The aim of the training is to create a cadre of fighters who can face up to the forces of Kali-Ma and her Horde, in addition to the Ghuls and other undead monstrosities under the control of their old enemy the Jackals.
Technique Rank: 4
Replaces: Ebonite Templar 4
Requirements: Integrity 7.0+
Technique: Once per turn during a skirmish the Templar may add a bonus equal to their current Integrity Rank to one of their rolls. This bonus cannot be used in Duels or on Damage rolls. In addition, against Jackals, undead, or targets with the Shadowlands taint or Shadow Corruption, the character gains a bonus on all damage rolls equal to their School Rank.

Ebonite Qadi
The Order of the Ebon Hand has it's own police force which acts in tandem with the Qadi of Medinaat Al-Salaam These men and women have been trained to rigorous standards that means they are just as good as the average Qadi, some would argue they are better.
Technique Rank: 5
Requirements: Lore: Law 5
Replaces: Templar 5, Magician 5
Technique: You gain a +4k0 bonus on any contested roll against a low skill.

Re: Schools

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:56 am
by Volsung

House Rafiq, EXTINCT
House Rafiq is the most reviled of the great houses, though this was not always the case. House Rafiq was formed in the first days of the Kingdoms and was named after a peerless warrior that many claim was an Avatar of Indra. House Rafiq were some of the first supporters of Arun when he began his war against Revan. They then took up the duty of standing against the enemies of the Ivory Kingdoms, but centuries of slow corruption from all sides eventually began to weigh on House Rafiq, and the Cult of the Destroyer managed to find the gap in House Rafiq's honor and slip in, corrupting the House into a shadow of it's former glory. Their goal changed from protecting the Kingdoms, to destroying them.
The fortunes of House Rafiq changed drastically with the conclusion of the Mantis-Ivory Kingdom's war. House Rafiq was cast down, it's leadership almost completely killed, it was thrown out of favor and many assumed it would die on it's own. But the House survived, and stripped of everything, they found they had little to lose in finally giving in completely to the Destroyer. There is little left of House Rafiq now, many having either been killed in the Mantis-Ivory Kingdoms war and the fall out, or sacrificed to bring forth Kali-Ma. Those who have survived though are not to be trifled with. They are the generals of Kali-Ma's armies now.

House Suresh, +1 Agility
House Suresh contains perhaps the most noted sailors in all the world. They began as a minor house who's main resources came from the activities of the Sindhi pirates. But when a wrongfully deposed prince named Suresh took over the SIndhi pirates and used them to retake his throne, his tale and his grand fleet so impressed the Maharaja that he and his house were elevated. Since then, House Suresh has expanded their navy and trade routes to many far off nations. Becoming the de facto ambassadors of the Ivory Kingdoms.
Their success in dealing with Rokugan where all others seemed to have failed brought even more prestige upon this House, and during the Mantis-Ivory Kingdoms war, they gambled everything on the truth of the Mantis' claims that House Rafiq was corrupt. If the Mantis had lost, or if they had been found out, House Suresh would have been no more. But it was due to House Suresh carefully positioning their navies to be unable to engage the Mantis without looking like they were avoiding them that the Mantis were able to eventually claim victory. Since then House Suresh have been the stars of the Ivory Kingdoms. Now that the Kingdoms have fallen and their navies have been destroyed, all they have left is their status as Diplomats to buoy their reputations, and with it the reputations of their people. The stress is beginning to show.

House Kosala, +1 Perception
The most noble of Houses, House Kosala is named after a region of the Ivory Kingdoms. House Kosala was formed in the early days of the Kingdoms by a wise and watchful Raj who soon after spoke to the Buddha and after that retired, renouncing his name, and became a brahmana to spread the word of Buddha to anyone who would hear it. House Kosala takes after their unnamed founder and is dedicated to the teachings of Buddha and discovering new places and secrets. Their libraries were the largest in all of the Ivory Kingdoms and were filled with knowledge that they had gathered by brave explorers of the Kingdom's secrets and beyond the borders of the civilized world.
A few centuries ago a wise and powerful prince named Rama was exiled for 14 years by an act of jealousy by the current Raja's second wife so her son could become Raj. The Raja, having promised his wife one request, dutifully obeyed and his son obeyed his father, exiling himself into the forest nearby. He was so loved however that much of the city and his younger brother followed him into exile. Rama eventually managed to get away from the city folk after promising his brother to return and went on to wander the Ivory Kingdoms, eventually battling the resurgent force of a Rakshasa and defeating it before returning to the city.
In more recent years, the Kosala have fallen far. Their libraries have burned and their people have scattered to the winds. Many found their way North to Medinaat al-Salaam, but the scholars are running into problems being accepted by the traditionalists within the city. There is some slight good news for them though, the current Maharaja comes from House Kosala.

House Pandavah, EXTINCT
Once the greatest of the Houses. House Pandavah was founded by Arun after his defeat of Revan. The royal Maharaja line comes from the Pandavah. Those of House Pandavah were most well known for their strength, as Arun was known for his and did not hesitate to use that strength when they feel they need to. House Pandavah was known for their brave warriors and many stories revolve around Pandavah heroes in battle. These heroes are pervasive throughout culture and it is not hard to find someone claiming a relation, even if they have no actual proof.
Unfortunately, in the recent upheaval House Pandavah suffered the greatest. The Cult of the Destroyer targeted this house specifically for destruction and did their best to annihilate them, they succeeded. Many Pandavah were eager to meet the enemy in battle, and died there, many others were hunted down when they fled. The Maharaja family that was part of House Pandavah has been wiped out completely. There are rumors of course, of secret guerrilla forces led by a Pandavah hero, that some enclaves of Pandavah exist, hidden away where fear of extermination has made them silent, but such talk remains only rumor and this House remains dead.

House Kauravah, +1 Awareness
An off-shoot of House Pandavah, House Kauravah's birth nearly led to the destruction of the Kingdoms many centuries ago. When the Maharaja died, two of his grandsons from different families had an equal claim to the throne. Neither side was willing to back down over the matter and lines were eventually drawn and war became inevitable. Each of the other houses stood with one cousin or the other and each massive army was led onto the field of battle. The ensuing war, called the Kurukshetra War, led to a battle which took place for a whole week and by the end both sides had been almost completely destroyed and the Kingdoms were left destitute. But the Pandavah managed to retain the throne.
The Kauravah spent much of their existence cleaning up from the Kurukshetra War and had become wealthy through wise business ventures and their careful way with words. Eventually their part in the devastating war was forgiven and House Kauravah was on the rise, with courtiers and money-tellers across much of the Kingdoms and even beginning to venture beyond. Now their vast wealth is gone, captured by the servants of Kali-Ma to melt down into treasures for their new mistress. The Kauravah fled their ancestral home, hoping to find new wealth in the trading capital of the world, wealth enough, they pray, to retake their home.

House Yadu, +1 Intelligence
The youngest of the Great Houses, House Yadu was brought up after the efforts of a man named Nala, an Avatar of the Divine Builder Vishwakarma. Upon the unexpected death of a popular Maharaja four centuries ago, there was a clamor to build him an appropriate tomb. The call went out across the Kingdoms for a builder to construct the most grand tomb that had ever been built. Nala is said to have snuck into the realm of dreams and stole some of it's substance, using that to build a floating grand tomb with over 200 rooms in the course of two weeks. After a harrowing journey after the tomb was stolen from him, Nala managed to retrieve it and for his workmanship his House was elevated.
Since that day, the Yadu had built grand and glorious structures across the breadth of the Kingdoms, each attempting to out do the efforts of their peers. It was House Yadu who first created the massive Clay Golems, though the secret is now lost. Since the rise of Kali-Ma however, many of their treasured buildings lay in ruins, and the Yadu turned more to the art of war, building grand defenses in an effort to halt or at least slow down the advance of the enemy. They failed, and many died with their last creations, buying time for the others to flee.

Existing Schools
These can be found in the Second City Books

Ivindi Schools
Kathakali Dancer (Warrior)
Members of the Kshatriya Caste are, rather like the Rokugani Samurai, expected to be both cultured and, when called for, deadly in defense of their rulers and the people their status demands they defend. In no other place are the two requirements so tightly bound as in the traditions of the Kathakali Dancers.
Graceful on both the stage and the battlefield, the Kathakali Dancers are renowned for their ability to intertwine the two disciplines into a deadly, beautiful whole. A skilled Dancer can feel the rhythm of the battlefield like the beat of a drum and use it's beat to avoid the blows of their foe while dealing death in return. On the stage, their martial training lends them a different sort of grace as well as the admiration of their audience.
The Kathakali have perhaps adapted best to the Jewel of the Desert of all the Ivindian nobles, finding that their talents in dancing can translate easily to coin or to favor. Some Ivindi look down on them for debasing themselves and their art, but many Kathakali see it as a necessary evil to ensure the survival of their people.
Benefit: +1 Agility
Skills: Defense, Brawling (Martial Arts), Knives, Swordsmanship, Perform: Dance 2, Any One High skill
Honor: 5.5
Outfit: Light Armor, fine Clothing, Talwar, Katara, any one weapon, Traveling Pack, 4 Copper
Rank 1: Song of the Blade
Kathakali Dancers learn early that acts that draw the eye can prove as distracting to their enemies as it is entrancing to an audience. Dancers may add their Perform: Dance Skill to their ArmorTN except while in the Full Attack stance. You may add +1k0 to your attack roll against any opponent who attacked and missed you that round.
Rank 2: World as a Stage
Understanding of one's own body and movement now extends to an understanding of the movements of others. Knowing how your enemy will move allows a Dancer to place their strikes with deadly accuracy. When making an attack roll, you gain a Free Raise towards making a Called Shot. While using the Perform: Dance skill, you may use your Agility instead of Awareness.
Rank 3: Choreography of Battle
An improved understanding of the flow of battle increases a Kathkali Dancer's ability to react quickly when another misses a step in the dance. While you are in the Defense stance, if someone attacks you and misses you may spend a Void point to gain a bonus to your next attack roll against that person during this skirmish equal to the amount by which they missed you. You may only use this ability once per round. You may add your Knives skill to your Perform: Dance rolls.
Rank 4: Encore
Grace and power move through the dancer's every step, a perfect balance that allows them to move with great speed. You may now make unarmed attacks or attacks with weapons that have the Kshatriya keyword as a Simple action instead of a Complex action.
Rank 5: Dancing with the Heavens
As a master of their art, the Kathakali Dancer's grace is limited only by the will of Heaven, not mere mortal constraints. The number of raises that may be called for Perform: Dance rolls and attack rolls is limited by your skill rank instead of your Void. The penalty to Armor TN caused by entering the Full Attack Stance is reduced to 5.

Gurkha Warrior School
Elite warriors with a long, storied history, the Gurkha make up the elite forces of many a private guard for the elite of the Ivory Kingdoms. Easily identified by the black-steel Kukri that is as much badge of office as weapon, the men and women of the Gurkha are known for their deadly efficiency with their chosen weapon. A well-trained Gurkha Warrior, it is said, can kill twice as many with their knives as any other man with a sword. Those who have seen them fight see no reason to discount this claim. Mercenary yet noble, the Gurkha focus upon their blades almost to the exception of all else. Those who prove worthy of their service have the best protectors money can buy.
Many Gurkha died with the fall of the Ivory Kingdoms. Loyal unto death, many of their number fell to the hordes of Kali-Ma as they defended the fleeing citizens. Of the few survivors, several attempt to continue the guerrilla fight in the former Ivory Kingdoms. Those within the City of Peace however serve as honorable hired swords to those willing to pay the price.
Benefit: +1 Strength
Skills: Commerce, Defense, Investigation, Knives (Kukri) 2, Stealth, Any one High or Bugei Skill
Honor: 4.5
Outfit: Partial or Light Armor, Sturdy Clothes, Katara, black-steel Kukri, Travelling pack, 5 Copper
Rank 1: Know the Blade
A Gurkha Warrior's focus upon their Kukri leads to mastery that no other can duplicate. You gain a bonus of +1k0 to attack rolls while using a knife. You may also add your Defense skill rank to the total of your damage while using a Kukri.
Rank 2: Protect and Serve
When acting as a bodyguard, a Gurkha Warrior knows that he protects not only his client but his organization’s reputation as well. You receive a bonus equal to your Honor to the Armor TN granted when Guarding another.. In addition, you receive a bonus of +2k0 to damage when using a knife.
Rank 3: A Blade has Two Edges
Experienced Gurkha Warriors allow their blades to guide their bodies, maximizing their speed. You may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action when using a knife or a weapon with the Kshatriya keyword.
Rank 4: At all Costs
No Warrior will allow his charge to fall while they still draw breath. Once per skirmish, you may spend a Void point as a Free action to ignore Wound Penalties (except Out) until your next action. Any raises that are called for Damage while performing an attack that round counts as two if it connects.
Rank 5: The Perfect Edge
A Gurkha Warrior who has mastered their blade is a truly deadly foe. When facing someone who has attacked someone the Gurkha has Guarded during this skirmish, if you make an attack using the Called Shot maneuver whichever limb is struck is considered to be lost as per the disadvantage Missing Limb until the wound undergoes healing. If a Gurkha strikes both of a person’s arms while using this technique, that person is incapable of wielding anything in their arms. If the Gurkha strikes the head with such an attack it inflicts the Dazed condition on the target which they must recover from as normal.

Defender of the Temples School (Guru)
While the Brahmin, as a class, are a pacifistic lot, they acknowledge and accept that lesser beings do not share the wisdom of living a non-violent way of life. Some among them take up the way of the protector, practicing techniques that will keep their attackers from being able to take the lives of their brethren while not requiring them to deal out death themselves.
The Defenders have been lost since the loss of the Kingdoms. The Ivindi never had a strong presence in the Jewel of the Desert before the Fall so there are as of yet no temples for them to defend. Many have been left adrift, though several have banded together to take to the streets to defend the faithful against those who would injure them.
Defenders focus upon the use of the sacred spears of their gods to defend holy sites and personages and also make use of kiho to channel their faith into mystical effects.
Devotion: Hindu
Benefit: +1 Agility
Honor: 6.5
Skills: Defense, Jiujitsu, Spears, Lore (choose one), Meditation, Theology (Hindu), any one High skill
Technique: Sanctity of Life
No Defender will willingly take a life, instead subduing their opponents to protect the holy places. You may choose to make any damage inflicted by a Spear or while unarmed non-lethal damage, lasting instead for a number of hours equal to your School Rank, using this technique you gain +0k1 to damage rolls. While using this technique you cannot put a person below the Out condition. Also, Defenders may make atemi strikes with a spear as well as unarmed.

Navaratnas Diplomat School
In every high court, there are an elite group of scholars and artisans, sponsored by the ruler they serve to pursue their own particular gifts with very little interference. The so-called "jewels of the court' are held in high regard throughout the land and their renown is such that their knowledge and advice is often sought from many kingdoms away in times of need.
The Navaratnas have not adapted well to the Jewel of the Desert. They are used to their own courts and internal intrigues. Nations came to the Ivory Kingdoms, bowing and scraping. Now it is the duty of the Navaratnas to bow or starve. Not being warriors, and having the most friends outside of their own lands, the Navaratnas, despite these troubles, are perhaps the most numerous of the Kshatriya caste to survive the war.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Skills: Courtier (Manipulation), Etiquette, Lore: History, any one Lore skill, any Artisan skill, Sincerity, Any one High skill
Honor: 6.5
Outfit: Extravagant Clothing, Katara, Calligraphy set, Traveling pack, 5 Copper
Rank 1: To Know and be Known
One who has been accepted as a Jewel of the Court is respected for their knowledge and skill. You gain the Darling of the Court Advantage for no cost in your home court. When spending a Void on your any School skill that is a Lore or Artisan skill, you gain +3k1 instead of the usual 1k1.
Rank 2: The Brotherhood of Scholars
The Navaratnas are built on the back of a thousand years of tradition and text. It is not only their own word that they count upon, but the word of thousands of others that came before them. For this surety, Navaratnas gain a +2k0 bonus to all Lore skill rolls. In addition, they may call upon the favor of others. While in a city of any size, you may make a Courtier/Awareness roll at TN 20, if you succeed you may gain the Servant advantage with a Scribe or Artisan of your choice for one week. You may only have a number of servants in this manner equal to your School Rank.
Rank 3: Breadth of Knowledge
The skill and understanding of your chosen specialty allows a certain degree of skill on similar disciplines. If you fail an Etiquette or Sincerity roll you may spend a Void Point to re-roll the roll using your Lore: History skill. You must keep the results of this roll.
Rank 4: Favor from on High
Patronage from the mighty means more than simple wealth and prestige, it also means support of one's agendas. While the Navaratnas remains in the favor of his lord, he may make a Lore or Artisan roll of his choice against a TN of 25. Success on this roll indicates a successful presentation of a new treatise or work to the Court. For this day and the next you are considered to have the Favored of your Lord Advantage among members of that Court, even among people who are not of your faction.
Rank 5: A Lauded Sage
Sharing your mastery with others earns you great favor, within your Court and without. When someone seeks you out for advice, you may make a Lore or Artisan skill against a petitioners Courtier/AW roll. If you succeed on this roll you gain +5k0 on any contested Social skill roll against that person for the next 24 hours.

Sindhi Sailors (Warrior)
The Sindhi sailors have a long and mixed history. First formed many centuries ago as a pirate group they terrorized the seaways of the Ivory Kingdoms. When an enterprising Raj whose family had been killed by his enemies disguised himself and became one of them, he took over the organization after several years and used it to take back his crown, turning the Sindhi sailors into a legitimate group. Occasionally the Sindhi return to their roots, but usually with the permission of their Raj.
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Any Rank 2 Ivory Kingdoms Bushi School
Requirements: Sailing (Navigation) 3
Technique: You suffer no penalties to movement or attacks for rough or uneven terrain. In addition, when you spend a Void point while at sea you gain +2k1 rather than the usual +1k1.

Gandharva (Diplomat)
Named after the mystical messengers who relay word from man to the gods, the Gandharva school teaches that a voice can be a powerful tool. Their songs can sway a Raj, or embolden an army to action. In recent history, it was a Gandharva who convinced the Maharaja of the truth of Yoritomo Aramasu’s words and helped broker the alliance between the Mantis and the Ivory Kingdoms.
Technique Rank: 3
Replaces: Navartnas Rank 3
Requirements: Perform: Song 5
Technique: You gain a +2k0 bonus to all Perform: Song skill rolls. In addition, if you fail an Awareness/Courtier roll you may spend a Void point to re-roll the roll as an Awareness/Perform: Song roll.

Telaga (Warrior)
The Telaga are trained to know no fear. Only the most courageous of Gurkha are chosen to join the Telaga and fight the dark creatures that threaten the Ivory Kingdoms. Since the restoration of Kali Ma, the Telaga have been fighting strong and dying in droves for it. But they refuse to fall.
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Gurkha Warrior 2
Requirements: Willpower 4
Technique: You consider the Fear effect of any creature you are facing to be 2 ranks lower, minimum 1. In addition, you gain a +2k0 bonus on damage rolls against any creature with Shadowlands Taint.