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Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:12 am
by Volsung
Discipline of Summoning (Air)
Touch the Immortal Mind
TN: 10
Range: 20‘
Area of Effect: Target Seal
Duration: Six Hours
Raises: Effect (+1k0 per two raises)
Effect: You have learned something of the esoteric motivations of the Jinn and can better predict what they will ask of you. When summoning a Jinn, this spell grants you an additional number of rolled dice on your Commerce/Intelligence roll to bargain with the Jinn equal to your School Rank.

Summon the Smokeless Fire
TN: Special
Range: 20’
Area of Effect: One Jinn
Duration: Three Hours
Raises: None
Effect: This spell allows the sahir to call forth across the gap of the realms and bring forth one of the mighty Jinn of Smokeless Fire to entreaty for aid. The rules for summoning a Jinn may be found in the LBS 3rd edition book, page 291.

Banish the Immortal
TN: 20
Range: 100’
Area of Effect: One Jinn
Duration: 30 days
Raises: Duration (+1 week).
Effect: You have learned the secret of manipulating the bond between sahir and jinn. After this spell has been cast, the jinn targeted must make a Void roll with a TN equal to the result of the spellcasting roll or be banished from the realm.

The Primal Elements
Bring Into Being
TN: 10
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: A cubic half foot of material
Duration: Permanent
Raises: Range (+10’), Quantity (+cubic half foot), Composition of material (1-2 raises)
Effect: Named for its most common usage of bringing forth water for a thirsty soul, this spell allows a sahir to summon or destroy material made from any of the four basic elements. The amount is not great but it is enough to start a fire if tinder has already been collected, or slack a man’s thirst. In addition if you are suffocating you may summon air directly into your lungs to forestall the effects of suffocation for 3 rounds. This particular effect is only usable on yourself and only with air however. In addition, with raises you may summon or destroy more specific types of the element such as stone or wood for earth and ice for water. Rare or precious materials (Such as gold, Jade, or Crystal) may not be summoned or destroyed using this spell.

Call upon the Elements
TN: 15
Range: 100’
Area of Effect: One Element
Duration: Concentration
Raises: Range (+10’), Element effected(+1 element), Mass/Volume (+1 unit/+1k0 damage)
Effect: The elements move at the sahir’s command. Causing water to flow uphill, or fire to sweep across the sky. When making their spellcasting roll the sahir must declare which element or elements they are going to affect. After the spell has been cast, the element(s) move at the command of the sahir. A sahir may move an amount of an element equal to his own weight, though he may call raises for more. For the elements of air and fire, translate this to a volume no larger than his own instead. This spell may be used to magically heave rocks, water, air, or fire at a target, resolving it as an Athletics/Agility roll against the target’s ArmorTN. This damage is 2k2 for Fire and Earth, and 1k1 with a Knockdown check as an Earth Roll (TN 15) for Air and Water.

Ride the Desert Sands
TN: 20
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: Caster
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Duration (+10 minutes), Area of Effect (Any one target for two raises)
Effect: Perhaps the strangest of the elemental spells, Ride the Desert Sands allows for the target to take on an aspect of one of the four basic elements. If Air is chosen the target no longer needs to breathe, and may ignore any weather related conditions they choose. In addition, the affected Sahir may take to the sky, though doing so requires a complex action to maintain flight, otherwise your movement is limited by your Water ring. If earth is chosen, the target may pass through non-magical barriers so long as they can pass through in one step and suffers no fall damage from hitting stone, sand, or wood. If Fire is chosen, the target takes no damage from any type of fire, does not suffer from smoke inhalation or heat stroke, and suffers no penalties from bright lights. If Water is chosen, the target need not breathe underwater, suffers no damage from intense water pressure, and cannot be moved by water currents. The Sahir may end this effect at any time.

Bend the Inanimate Will
TN: 10
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One object
Duration: Concentration
Raises: Target (Additional object per two raises)
Effect: The sahir may temporarily bend or warp objects. The object in question cannot be larger than the sahir and he must be able to see it. When cast, this spell allows a Sahir to twist and deform the object in question as long as they maintain Concentration. The change in the object cannot break it, but can manipulate it in virtually any other way. In addition, the object is incapable of piercing or crushing or in any way directly causing injury or damage to a target.

Summon Forth

TN: 15
Range: One Mile
Area of Effect: One object
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: Range (+1 mile)
Effect: The sahir may now call objects to him or send them elsewhere with a gesture. You must have intimate knowledge of the object (requiring examination for at least one hour) if you are summoning it, or be familiar with the place to which you are banishing it (having been there for at least one hour). If you are sending it away you must touch the object in order to banish it. If the object is being held and the holder does not voluntarily give the item up you must make an attack using the brawling skill as a free action while calling the appropriate raises for a disarm attempt. If this attack is successful the object is immediately transported, with no contested Strength roll involved or any damage dealt to the person who was wielding the object. The object summoned or banished cannot be living and cannot exceed you in size.

Control the Æther
TN: 20
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One target
Duration: Concentration
Raises: Range (+10’), Size (+100 lbs)
Effect: This spell allows the sahir to now move any inanimate object that he can see with merely his force of will. You may manipulate any object up to 100 lbs in weight. Using whatever object you are moving with this spells will use your Air Ring in place of whichever Trait would normally apply.

Re: Magic

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:13 am
by Volsung
Discipline of the Celestials (Void)
Sight Beyond Sight
TN: 10
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: Caster
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Duration (+10 minutes), Effect( +1k0 per two raises)
Effect: The sahir gains a +3k0 bonus to all sight-based Perception rolls.

All-Seeing Mirror
TN: 15
Range: 10 miles
Area of Effect: 40’ radius
Duration: 30 Minutes
Raises: Area of Effect (+5’ radius), Range (+1 mile), Duration (+10 minutes), Effect (Sound with two raises), Effect (Banish spell with two raises)
Effect: With the aid of a placid pool of water or a mirror the sahir may remotely view any location that they are familiar with (having been there for one hour). This spell only confers sight unless raises are called. In addition, if a Sahir is being spied upon they may make an Investigation/Void roll against the TN of the spell to detect the interlopers and then cast this spell with the appropriate raises to dismiss any spell that is remotely viewing his location. You may cast to banish any viewers regardless of if you detected any or not. Such a dismissal is very abrupt and will blind anyone affected by it for one minute. They will also suffer a number of wounds equal to your Void Ring.

Earth as Air
TN: 20
Area of Effect: Self
Duration: 5 minutes
Raises: Duration (+1 minute), Effect (+1 foot)
Effect: Despite the clearest of vision, sometimes physical impediments will always be in the way. With this adjustment of Hakhim’s Seal you may see through any object two feet thick or less as though it were not there. You must be touching whatever object you wish to see through, and this effect is only apparent for yourself. No others can see through the object.

Divine Wisdom
TN: 10
Range: 10 miles
Area of Effect: One target
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: Effect (Additional clue per two raises), Effect (Obscure fate for two raises)
Effect: This spell allows for the caster to look into the heavens and receive a clue as to what the next 24 hours holds for a particular person, place, or organization. The spell takes ten minutes to cast and upon success the caster learns the information. The ability to manipulate the seal to block a reading of a person’s fate is also possible, this effect counters this spell, as well as hiding the target from standard divination attempts and the advantage Spirit Touch. Regardless of raises or effect, this spell only looks into the next 24 hours.

Divine Blessing
TN: 15
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: 5 rounds
Raises: Duration (+1 round), Area of Effect (Additional target per two raises)
Effect: Looking into the heavens, a person can see just a second ahead of events, giving them time to prepare. For the duration of this spell the target gains a bonus equal to the caster’s School Rank x2 to all rolls they make and their ArmorTN as they live, for a few brief moments, just slightly ahead of everyone else.

Cleansing Gaze
TN: 20
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: 10 minutes
Raises: Area of Effect (+1 target), Range (+10’), Duration (+1 minute)
Effect: This spell calls upon an infinitesimal portion of Shilah’s power to cleanse and refresh the target. The target has any mental conditional effect removed from them and cannot suffer from any such conditional effects during the duration of the spell. If they suffer from a mental disadvantage they are not under its effects for the duration of the spell. Finally, they gain a +3k1 bonus on rolls made to resist any attempt to influence or control them for the duration of the spell.

Re: Magic

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:13 am
by Volsung
Discipline of Black Magic (Earth)
Ghul Creation
Control Undead
TN: 10
Range: 200’
Area of Effect: One target
Duration: 1 hour
Raises: Range (+10’), Area of Effect (+1 target per 2 raises), Duration (+1 hour)
Effect: With a small adjustment of Hakhim’s Seal and a barked order, the sahir takes control of a ghul’s mind. Some more intelligent ghuls, and those who have access to spells are able to resist this effect however, Ghul Lords and Smart Ghuls may make the Contested Willpower Roll. The ghul will do your bidding, within it’s own capabilities, for the duration of the spell, after which the spell must be cast again or the ghul will become self-controlled again. If two sahir are both attempting to control the same ghul, they must make a Contested Willpower Roll. Whoever wins retains control of the ghul, while the other’s spell ends.

Life to Lifeless
TN: 15
Range: 20’
Area of Effect: One target
Duration: Permanent
Raises: Special (1-4 for specialized ghuls)
Effect: A distillation of other methods used to create ghuls, this spell allows a sahir to create any ghul which they have studied for the period of one hour. After the hour of study, they may make a Spellcraft(Black Magic)/Intelligence roll at a variable TN based on the type of ghul to memorize the method to creating that ghul. This spell is a ritual that takes 3 hours to complete and a knife with which to excise the heart of the body. The spell will create a regular ghul unless raises are called to create a specialized ghul. The variations on ghuls are many however, and a master of this spell is able to make the perfect minion to do his bidding. Once this spell is completed the sahir gains control of the ghul he created for one day. If he casts Control Ghul on this ghul any time, the spell’s duration counts for a day rather than an hour.

Crack the Immortal Shell
TN: 20
Range: 100’
Area of Effect: One target
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: Range (+10’)
Effect: This spell allows for a sahir to tear the essence of life out of a ghul. Upon a successful casting of this spell, the ghul and the sahir must make a contested roll, with the Sahir rolling School Rank/Earth and the Ghul rolling Insight Rank/Earth (Note, some types of ghuls do have insight ranks). If the caster succeeds in this roll the ghul is immediately destroyed. If the caster fails this roll the Ghul will take 4k4 damage from the destructive force of the spell. This spell cannot damage non-ghuls.

TN: 10
Range: 20’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: Range (+5 feet), Area of Effect (+1 target), Effect (+0k1 on heal check)
Effect: This spell allows for a sahir to heal any person through the manipulation of Hakhim’s Seal. Upon successfully casting this spell, you roll a number of dice equal to your Earth ring, keeping one die. If this spell targeted multiple people, they all gain back the same number of wounds.

Rejuvenate the Soul
TN: 15
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: Effect (+1 Void per three raises)
Effect: This spell can, in moments, refresh a person’s spirit, or enliven them beyond their normal means. The target of this spell gains 2 Void points. If this would put them over their regular limit of Void they will lose all excess Void at the end of the scene. These excess Void points may not be used to make attempts to cast additional spells.

Uninhibited Body
TN: 15
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Effect (conditional effect per 2 raises), Area of Effect (+1 target), Duration (+10 minutes)
Special: Only available to members of the Qabal.
Effect: A lesser version of Enliven the Body, this spell allows the sahir to overcome bodily weaknesses temporarily, causing a state of slight euphoria similar to drunkenness but without the debilitating side effects. For the duration of the spell the target may ignore an amount of TN penalties derived from wounds to a maximum of 2 + School Rank. Additionally, the target may become immune to one of the following conditional effects for the duration of the Spell: Dazed, Fasting, Fatigued.

Enliven the Body
TN: 20
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: 5 rounds
Raises: Range (+10’), Duration (+1 round), Effect (+1 to chosen trait per three raises)
Effect: This spell allows for a sahir to bolster the strength of a target of their choice. This spell allows for the sahir to increase a chosen physical trait by one for the duration of this spell. If the increase of the chosen trait would increase the person’s ring, this does not change your effective Insight. If their Earth ring is raised in this way, once the effect ends, extra wounds they may have taken do not and a character may die upon the ending of this spell. This spell cannot affect more than one trait at a time and if the spell is cast upon the target again the oldest effect disappears. If Imbalance the Body is cast upon the target, Enliven the Body’s effect will end immediately.

TN: 10
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: Damage (+1k0), Range (+10’), Area of Effect (+1 target)
Effect: The sahir directs a savage word as they adjust the seal, shooting black bolts at their target. This spell deals 1k1 damage for each School Rank of the Sahir.

Whispers of the Dark
TN: 15
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: 10 minutes
Raises: Range (+10’), Duration (+1 minute)
Effect: This spell worm’s it’s way into the target’s mind and reminds them of one very real fact, that they will die, and that it may be right now. This is enough to cause a panic in some. The target of this spell must roll against Fear 3. If they fail this roll they suffer from the standard effects of Fear.

Imbalance the Body
TN: 20
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: 5 rounds
Raises: Range (+10’), Duration (+1 round), Effect (+1 to chosen trait per three raises)
Effect: This manipulation of Hakhim’s Seal allows a Sahir to weaken the strength of anyone they chose to target. This spells decreases one chosen physical trait of the target for the duration of the spell. If the increase of the chosen trait would decrease the person’s ring, this does not change their effective Insight. A target cannot have more than one trait affected by this spell at any time and this spell may not decrease a trait below 1. If a second spell of Imbalance the Body or Enliven the Body is cast on the target, the effects of the first spell will end immediately.

Re: Magic

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:14 am
by Volsung
Discipline of Control (Water)
Manipulate Emotion
TN: 10
Range: 20’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Range (+5’), Area of Effect (+1 target), Area of Effect (+1 Target)
Effect: This adjustment of the Seal allows for a sahir to tinker with the emotions of their targets. After the spell is cast it may be resisted with a contested Willpower roll against the target. Assuming the sahir succeeds, they may then adjust the emotional state of their target to one emotion of their choice. Though the spell has a limited duration, after the effect is done, the target will have no idea that their emotions were manipulated unless the emotion in question was heavily manipulated.

Implant Memories
TN: 15
Range: 20’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: Permanent
Raises: Range (+5’), Effect (+5 TN to dispell), Effect (Additional memory added or deleted)
Effect: A sahir may implant or even delete memories from within the mind of their target. The sahir must first have eye contact with their target while they cast in order to have any effect. This spell allows for the sahir to look through a target’s recent thoughts and add or delete one. This spell cannot add or delete memories that have already been “stored” (within your next post) but it may be enough to nudge a person down the path they are wanted to go down. In addition while you may change a memory, you may not change how that person perceives the memory. This spell may be resisted, with the Sahir rolling their School Rank/Water and the target rolling Insight Rank/Willpower. If the target successfully resists, the spell fails. No deletion or addition is truly permanent however, and another sahir may cast this spell to remove these false memories or unlock the true memories at any time.

Control Mind
TN: 20
Range: 20’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: Concentration
Raises: Range (+5’), Area of Effect (+1 target per two raises)
Effect: The sahir need only adjust the Seal and bark an order, and whomever he desires will obey him. This spell allows the sahir to directly control the actions of another. The sahir states their order before they make their spellcasting roll, and after they have succeeded in that they must make a contested Willpower roll with their target. If they succeed on this roll as well, the target must obey the command as long as the spell continues. The target may leave the range of this spell after it has been cast, but if they are more than one mile away from the Sahir another contested Willpower roll must be made every minute to maintain the control. Also the target may make the contested roll once again every hour that they are enthralled to take control again. In addition, some sliver of self-preservation remains and the order given cannot be one that directly causes harm to the target, though you may order them into a dangerous situation. Any time the target suffers Wounds they are entitled to a new Contested Willpower Roll against the Sahir to break control.

In the Mind's Eye
TN: 10
Range: 100’
Area of Effect: 10 cubic feet
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Range (+20’), Area of Effect (+5 cubic feet), Duration (+10 minute), Effect (Additional sense per two raises)
Effect: The sahir may alter a single detail of a scene around them. Though this effect has no substance to it, a clever application can often mean the difference between life and death. This spell affects only one sense, but raises could include all of the senses, though any tactile illusion would still have no substance. In addition illusions cannot be fixed upon a person. While you could create the illusion of a cloak over someone, once that person begins to move the illusion would quickly be seen for what it is. Finally, you cannot use this spell to make something disappear, merely to conceal. Additionally, any sahir who believes themselves under the effect of an illusion may cast this spell to dispel the affecting illusion, the TN for doing so is the TN of the spell that was cast.

Dust to Dust
TN: 15
Range: 100’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: Ten minutes
Raises: Range (+10’), Duration (+10 minutes), Effect (Additional sense)
Effect: More than one poor fool has been driven mad by this particular spell. The skilled sahir may, instead of creating an illusion for all to see, create an illusion in the mind of one target. The sahir and his target must make a contested Willpower roll. Upon a success the Sahir may change one detail of the scene. Though only one person is affected, the spell is far more real to them and much harder for them to realize the illusion for what it is. These spells have much more substance to them, as they are able to adapt to situations more fluidly. A stone wall would not stop a person suffering from this illusion, but it would trip them up. They will feel the blow of a phantom sword, and even see their blood pouring from them, though they are in reality still uninjured. This spell will continue even if the target has moved outside of the Sahir’s range. This spell may be dispelled by another sahir who has this spell as per Create Illusion.

Dream Magic
TN: 20
Range: 500’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: 2 hours
Raises: Range (+50’), Duration (+10 minutes), Effect (Older memories)
Effect: This spell permits a sahir to invade a person’s sleeping mind and fill it with what the sahir desires. This spell requires two hours of ritual preparation as well as a sympathetic link to the desired target. In addition the target must be sleeping when the spell is cast or the spell will fail, and if the target awakens the spell will be ended immediately. Upon being cast, the sahir will be able to walk through the target’s memories and view them. Generally speaking the memories viewable are no more than a week old, though with raises a sahir can go back further. Another side effect of this spell is that the Sahir may change the dreams of the sleeping target, requiring thirty minutes of time to adjust the person’s dreams as they see fit. This does allow the caster to give the target such bad dreams that they do not get a full night’s rest and thus do not refresh their Void points or heal wounds for the night. Regardless of what actions the sahir take, the target will remember dreaming of the Sahir in question.

Stealing the Skin
TN: 10
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Duration (+10 minutes), Effect (Additional trait, maximum of 3 traits)
Effect: Man has looked upon animals and envied their abilities since time immemorial. For a sahir with this spell, there is no envy, for they may borrow some of those abilities. The sahir may exchange one of their parts for the part of an animal, receiving the commensurate benefits. Borrowing the nose of a hound to track or the claws of a leopard for combat or climbing are two common uses of this spell. The only limitations of this spell are that it cannot grant flight and that you can only gain the traits of a beast which you have personally witnessed and studied for one hour. In addition you cannot recreate mystical properties of creatures such as fire breath or mystical immunities.

Heart of the Beast
TN: 15
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Duration (+30 minutes), Effect (double or halve size per raise)
Effect: This spell allows for a sahir to transform their body into the form of an animal while retaining their human intellect. Unless raises are called this form must be roughly of equal size to you. While in this animal form you retain all of your mental traits and your Void Ring. All of your physical traits change to the standard for that creature however. Any change in Ring will not affect your Insight Rank in any way however. While in this animal form you lose access to all school techniques and spellcasting abilities. You may end the effects of this spell at any time as a Simple Action.

Claylike Form
TN: 20
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Duration (+30 minutes), Effect (double or halve size per raise), Effect (Specific Person for Five Raises)
Effect: With a slight but important variation in Hakhim’s Seal to the previous spell, a sahir is able to instead take on a much wider variety of forms than before, allowing you to take on the shape of a jinn, a salamander, or even stranger creatures if you have seen them. This spell allows you to take on the shape of any other creature, though you must still be of comparable size to yourself unless you call raises. You may take the form of any mythical creature which you have studied for a period of one hour. With this spell a sahir is still capable of using school techniques and casting spells while transformed. However the previous limitation that you must have personally seen and studied the sentient that you are taking on the shape of still applies. In addition, you gain none of their magical abilities, only mundane ones. Finally, for five raises you may take on the shape of a specific person, imitating their appearance and their voice. The effect will last under basic scrutiny but it is not perfect. If you are closely inspected or questioned by someone who knows the creature well you may be discovered. You gain a +2k2 bonus to any Acting skill roll while pretending to be a specific person. You may end the effects of this spell at any time as a Simple Action.

Re: Magic

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:14 am
by Volsung
Discipline of Blessings and Curses (Fire)
Bless Skill
TN: 10
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Range (+5’), Duration (+10 minutes), Special (Cast as Simple Action for three raises)
Effect: This spell offers help in daily life for those blessed by a sahir. The Sahir selects a single task, tied to a Skill, when the spell is cast. For the duration of the spell the target gains a +2k1 bonus on all rolls made with that skill in relation to that task.

Bless Weapon
TN: 15
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: 10 minutes
Raises: Range (+5’), Duration (+1 minute), Effect (+1k0 to damage), Special (Cast as Simple Action for three raises)
Effect: Even in the best of times Medinaat al-Salaam can suffer from bouts of violence, and it is usually best to be prepared for such danger. The Sahir casting this spell selects a weapon skill when the spell is cast. For the duration of the spell, the target gains a +2k0 bonus on all damage rolls made while using a weapon that falls under the chosen skill.

Blessing of Wealth
TN: 20
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: Permanent
Raises: Range (+5’), Effect (+1 Copper of value)
Effect: Perhaps the most subtle of the blessings, this adjustment on Hakhim’s Seal grants items or an item of value roughly equal to 1 copper to the chosen target. This item does not arrive immediately, but will come into the person’s possession sometime within 24 hours. The general idea of what item is being looked for can be given by the player (knife, cat, jewelry, etc) but the specifics and when the item arrives is chosen by the GM. Any person cannot be targeted by this more than once a week.

Curse Skill
TN: 10
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: One Hour
Raises: Range (+5’), Duration (+10 minutes), Special (Cast as Simple Action for three raises)
Effect: Fortune is made by man, as Mekhem states, but the clever Sahir can have even more say. The Sahir selects a single task, tied to a Skill, when the spell is cast. For the duration of the spell the target receives a -2k1 penalty on all rolls made with that skill in relation to that task.

Curse Weapon

TN: 15
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: 10 minutes
Raises: Range (+5’), Duration (+1 minute), Effect (+1k0 to damage), Special (Cast as Simple Action for three raises)
Effect: Violence begets violence, this adjustment on Hakhim’s Seal serves to temper some of the more violent times within the city. The Sahir casting this spell selects a weapon skill when the spell is cast. For the duration of the spell, the target receives a -2k0 penalty on all damage rolls made while using a weapon that falls under the chosen skill.

Curse of Wealth
TN: 20
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: One Target
Duration: Permanent
Raises: Range (+5’), Effect (+1 Copper of value)
Effect: Perhaps the most heinous of the curses, this adjustment on Hakhim’s Seal removes items or an item of value roughly equal to 1 copper from the chosen target’s belongings. This item does not disappear immediately, but will leave the person’s possession sometime within 24 hours. The general idea of what item is being looked for can be given by the player (knife, cat, jewelry, etc) but the specifics and when the item arrives is chosen by the GM. Any person cannot be targeted by this more than once a week.