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Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:51 pm
by Lyahdan
These are the characters available to play. Full character sheets will be waiting in private forums when chosen.

Re: Cast

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:43 pm
by Lyahdan
Asako Kasumi: Family matriarch
Asako Loremaster

Thanks to generous funding from her much younger cousin Yuina, Kasumi has organized this pilgrimage for members of her extended family. She wanted to gather at least one member of each branch of the family for the trip. None of the family has been to Shiro Gisu in a thousand years, though many have made the pilgrimage to Rokugan.

Re: Cast

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:44 pm
by Lyahdan
Nakauchi Kyou: Navigator of the Mizukiri
Nakauchi Shugenja/Navigator

Kasumi's great, great grand aunt married into the Nakauchi, and the family has retained close ties ever since. Having the funds to hire the Mizukiri allowed the group a private ship for the trip and gave Kyou a chance to visit Rokugan, even if there are no Nakauchi ancestors there. He plans to make the most of it.

Re: Cast

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:44 pm
by Lyahdan
Asako Haru: Kasumi's ‘cousin’
Asako Henshin

When Kasumi reached out to find a member of the branch of the family that went into the monastery, she was presented with Haru. She doesn’t know that this is the son/daughter of that original family member, not the several greats grandchild. He/she looks 30 and sounds 100.

Re: Cast

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:44 pm
by Lyahdan
Asako Yuina: Isawa-trained Asako cousin who is bankrolling this pilgrimage.
Isawa Technolyte:

This branch of the family had some Agasha marry in who ended up being the sole heirs to a small fortune made through lucrative trade deals in military technology. The Agasha heirs all went up in a rather spectacular explosion at their personal laboratory. Yuina is a shrewd businesswoman, very religious, and contracted to marry a very pretty trophy husband who has enough shugenja in their background to boost the chance of gifted children.

Re: Cast

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:45 pm
by Lyahdan
Shinjo Hideyoshi: Yuina's fiancé
Iuchi Shugenja/Aether Rider

Hideyoshi is handsome and has achieved some fame racing both on land and in space. His cutting edge, modified Scout, Leafhopper, is well known by fans. He expects to be rather bored on this relaxing trip with his bride to be. But given the debts he needs to pay off as part of this marriage contract, he plans to keep his boredom to himself and keep his betrothed happy.

Re: Cast

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:45 pm
by Lyahdan
Shiba Rin: Kasumi's Yojimbo
Shiba Bushi/Yojimbo

Rin has guarded Kasumi's honor for two decades now. He's seen quite a bit over the years and accompanies the ashes of his husband to be interred in Shiba lands, 14 years after his death. It's been a few years now since he developed feelings for his charge that he'd rather not be distracted by.

Re: Cast

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:45 pm
by Lyahdan
Agasha Mitsuko: Kasumi's favorite grandchild
Agasha Shugenja

Mitsuko is gifted, but young, and a member of Rekishi Saisouzou. She begged to come along to see the 'real' old Rokugan.
Rekishi Saisouzou Kyoukai or Resaikai for short - society for those who enjoy historical re-enactment as a hobby. They learn old Rokugani arts and crafts, fight duels and battles in old armor and with replica (nonlethal) weaponry. They have a large yearly meetup that as many people as possible try to get to where tournaments and competitions determine officers and positions within the organization. It is entirely volunteer, and thus cross-clan. The Crane clan is a somewhat generous sponsor since the meetup is held on Golden Mirror and brings far more coin to their merchant’s coffers than the clan spends. Most participants must pay their own way, so it is dominated by the wealthy, and residents of Golden Mirror.